No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ____going on in the world.
it is
as is
there is
what is
【单选题】 We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?___________
①  I’m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.
②  Of course not. I have no idea.
③  No, I can’t.
④  That’s all set.
【单选题】 We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us?
①  I’m afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonight
②  Of course not. I have no idea
③  No, I can’t
④  That’s all set
【单选题】 This is no time to moralize ______ the follies of countries which have allowed themselves to be struck down one by one.
①  to
②  on
③  by
④  in
【单选题】 A: We are going to have a housewarming party tonight. Would you like to join us? B: [填空].
①  I have no idea.
②  Im afraid not, because I have to visit my parents
③  No, I cant.
④  Thats all set
【单选题】 If the whole program __________ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
①  was not planned
②  were not planned
③  would not be planned
④  had not been planned
【单选题】 I am sorry I have no time at present to ____ more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
①  bring into
②  take into
③  come into
④  go into
【单选题】 -We’ve worked for a long time, what about stopping to have a rest? -_____________________.
①  A. I like it.
②  A. You are wonderful.
③  A. That’s a good idea.
④  very good
【单选题】 -Weve worked for a long time, what about stopping a while to have a rest?-_____________________.
①  I like it.
②  You are wonderful.
③  Thats a good idea.
④  ok
【判断题】 A: What time is it? B: Sorry, I dont have a watch with me.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I know ________ everything is going to be right.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  how
【多选题】 在雨期进行道路路堑开挖,正确的开挖措施有()
①  A、土质路堑开挖前,在路堑边坡坡顶2m以外开挖截水沟并接通出水口
②  B、开挖土质路堑宜分层开挖,每挖一层均应设置排水纵横坡
③  C、挖方边坡一次挖到设计标高,防止沉降
④  D、土的强度低于规定值时应按设计要求进行处理
【多选题】 关于路基填料选择的正确说法是()
①  A、填料要求挖取方便,压实容易,强度高,水稳定性好
②  B、含草皮、树根的土质严禁作为路基填料
③  C、强膨胀土可以直接作为路基填料
④  D、级配良好的砾石混合料可以作为路基填料
【多选题】 下列膨胀土的说法,正确的有()
①  A、吸水膨胀,失水收缩
②  B、高度不足1m的路堤,按设计要求换填或改性
③  C、中等膨胀土处理后可以作为路基填料
④  D、填筑膨胀土路堤时,应及时对边坡进行防护
【多选题】 用于公路路基的土质填料,应通过取样试验确定填料的()
①  A、最小强度
②  B、级配
③  C、抗弯拉强度
④  D、最大粒径
【多选题】 关于建筑施工现场安全文明施工的说法,不正确的是()
①  A、场地四周围挡应连续设置
②  B、现场主出入口可以不设置保安值班室,车辆出入口处不应设置洗车设置
③  C、高层建筑防水源可与生产水源共用管线
④  D、在建工程审批后可以住人
【多选题】 关于检验批验收组织的说法,不正确的是()
①  A、由施工单位专业工长组织
②  B、由总监理工程师组织
③  C、由施工单位专业质检员组织
④  D、由专业监理工程师组织
【单选题】 采用相对密度(与空气密度的比值)不小于()的可燃气体为燃料的锅炉,不得设置在地下或半地下。
①  A.0.7
②  B.0.75
③  C.0.8
④  D.0.85
【单选题】 在燃烧的过程中,要使燃料完全燃烧,供给的空气量要大于通过氧化反应计算出的理论空气量,一般手烧式水平炉排的供给量要比理论量多( )。
①  A.50%
②  B.50%~100%
③  C.100%
④  D.200%
【单选题】 根据《工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准》规定,以下哪种炉窑可以在一类功能区建设( )
①  A.燃气金属锻造炉
②  B.燃油陶瓷炉
③  C.电力化铁炉
④  D.市政、建筑施工临时用沥青加热炉
【单选题】 根据《地下燃气管网及设施巡查巡检技术指引》,对不同情况下的管线规定了不同的巡查周期,下列()不属于技术指引规定的巡查周期。
①  A.2天
②  B.5天
③  C.半天
④  D.1天