Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____ in a short period of time.
to have been created
to be created
having been created
being created
【单选题】 Our civilization cannot be thought of as _____in a short period of time.
①  to have been created
②  to be created
③  having been created
④  being created
【单选题】 Our country is trying to _____ the serious problems created by the environment al pollution.
①  comply with
②  cope with
③  cope to
④  comply to
【单选题】 More local ( )will be created, particularly in service industries.
①  employee
②  ?employ
③  ?employer
④  ?employment
【简答题】 Translate the following sentence into ChinesePrejudice against women violates the fundamental principle that all people are created equal.
【单选题】 At this stage we cannot tell you____ you have been selected for the job or not.
①  unless
②  although
③  whenever
④  whether
【单选题】 If the whole program __________ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
①  was not planned
②  were not planned
③  would not be planned
④  had not been planned
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【判断题】 A: Have you been wasting time on computer games again? B: Not really. I’ve been studying a lot and I need a break.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Without his timely help, we _____ all these in such a short period of time.
①  dont accomplish
②  have not accomplished
③  should not accomplish
④  would not have accomplished
【单选题】 ________work and creative activities have been important drivers of human progress is deeply rooted in our social values.
①  How
②  Whether
③  That
④  Why
【判断题】 开展社区保健无益于控制医药费用的过快增长。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 老年人在哪种环境下常用耳鸣
①  高音量
②  低音量
③  噪音中
④  安静时
【单选题】 治疗老年人入睡困难的短时类药物是
①  舒乐安定
②  佳静安定
③  三唑仑
④  安定
【单选题】 老年人每天摄入膳食纤维的适宜量为
①  10g
②  20g学
③  30g
④  40g
【判断题】 为促进老年人睡眠,睡前用热水泡脚。晚餐不要过饱,睡前少加点心。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对老年人不理解的语言应再次重复原话。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 关于老年人药物代谢的特点,下列哪项叙述不妥的是
①  肝脏药物代谢酶活性降低
②  肝细胞、肝血流量减少
③  药物血浆半衰期延长
④  肝脏合成蛋白质能力降低,致结合型药物增多
【单选题】 有关老年药效学改变的特点,错误的是
①  对大多数药物的敏感性增高
②  对大多数药物的作用减弱
③  药物耐受性下降
④  用药依从性低
【判断题】 老年人的运动时间以一天不超过半小时为宜。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 老年人适宜的居室温度应为50%左右。
①  正确
②  错误