He wrote the book in ____ with his wife.
【单选题】 He is ____, but his wife is _____.?
①  awake…asleep ?
②  awake…sleep ?
③  waking…asleep ?
④  wake…asleep ?
【单选题】 He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.
①  measure
②  maintain
③  shelter
④  reply
【单选题】 He is a teacher and so [填空] his wife.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 It was not until his wife came back [填空]he went to bed.
①  when
②  that
③  which
④  whether
【单选题】 He has left his book here on___, so that you can read it.
①  purpose
②  intention
③  aim
④  meaning
【单选题】 Smith never went to see his wife again,______ to apologize.
①  nor did he write
②  nor he did write
③  he did write
④  nor he wroten
【单选题】 He wrote a lot of novels, many of [] translated into English.
①  it
②  them
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 _________hand in his exercise-book before Monday?
①  Need he to
②  Does he need
③  Needs he to
④  Need he
【单选题】 Is that book ______ he borrowed on Friday?
①  that
②  which
③  the one
④  who
【单选题】 下列不属于三民主义内容的是?
①  民权主义
②  民族主义
③  民主主义
④  民生主义
【单选题】 中国近代历史上第一次反对国内封建势力和外国侵略势力的斗争是?
①  辛亥革命
②  义和团农民运动
③  三元里人民的斗争
④  太平天国农民运动
【单选题】 资产阶级革命派形成的标志是?
①  兴中会的成立
②  1895年广州起义
③  资产阶级革命团体纷纷成立
④  《革命军》发表
【单选题】 1905 年至 1907 年间,资产阶级革命派与改良派论战的主要舆论阵地是?
①  《民报》与《字林西报》
②  《申报》与《字林西报》
③  《民报》与《新民丛报》
④  《民报》与《甲寅》
【判断题】 维新派与守旧派论战的实质是资产阶级思想与封建主义思想在中国的第一次正面交锋。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 近代中国反侵略战争无不以中国失败、被迫接受丧权辱国的条约而告结束,其根本原因一是社会制度腐败;二是经济技术落后。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 洋务派主张学习西方的武器装备和科学技术,兴办洋务,他们提出的口号是?
①  “求富”
②  维新
③  “救亡”
④  “自强”
【单选题】 维新运动时期,谭嗣同的主要著作是?
①  《变法通议》
②  《仁学》
③  《新学伪经考》
④  《天演论》
【单选题】 提出了“师夷长技以制夷”的思想的是?
①  龚自珍
②  林则徐
③  魏源
④  郑观应
【单选题】 维新运动时期,严复在天津主办的报纸是?
①  《时务报》
②  《申报》
③  《万国公报》
④  《国闻报》