The ____ Court is the highest court in the United States.
【单选题】 The jury [] discussing the murder case at court.
①  is
②  are
【单选题】 In the United States, television stations are not_________ by the government.
①  run
②  ran
③  runs
④  running
【单选题】 I suddenly noticed someone ____________ at me near the door of the court.
①  stare
②  stared
③  stares
④  staring
【单选题】 The match was cancelled because most of the members __________ a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  objected to have
③  were objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 It was in the United States, after 1900,____________ the automobile was improved most rapidly.
①  that
②  what
③  which
④  when
【单选题】 ______ is not the representative writer in the Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States.
①  Henry James
②  Ezra Pound
③  William Dean Howells
④  Mark Twain
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied ____ the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【单选题】 The match was canceled because most of the members______a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  were objected to have
③  objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 While being questioned on the court, the man denied _____the old lady’s necklace.
①  having taken
②  taking
③  to have taken
④  to take
【判断题】 I appreciated to have sent to the United States to study five years ago.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 理解李白《将进酒》,有误的选项是_________。
①  诗歌开篇以河水一去不返喻人生易逝。
②  诗歌笔酣墨饱,情极悲愤而作狂放,语极豪纵而又沉着。
③  诗句以散行为主,又以短小的对仗语点染。
④  古乐府曲名,古代诗人常用来描写蜀地道路的艰难。
【单选题】 关于韩、柳散文,以下表述中不正确的一项是________。
①  韩愈有论说文如《师说》、《原道》。
②  韩愈有传记、碑志文如《张中丞传后叙》。
③  韩愈有序文如《送董少南序》。
④  韩愈有游记文如《永州八记》。
【单选题】 古文运动所以产生于中唐并取得成就的原因________。①文学发展的趋势;②中唐社会现实的要求;③韩、柳的积极倡导。
①  ①②
②  ②③
③  ①③
④  ①②③
【单选题】 下面说法错误的是________。
①  “千古立忠义,《感遇》有遗篇”是杜甫对陈子昂的诗篇的评价
②  充满玲珑兴象美的《春江花月夜》的作者是张若虚
③  《在狱咏蝉》是卢照邻借蝉自喻,简洁而含蓄地抒发了诗人的愤懑不平。
④  《登幽州台歌》非常质朴,陈子昂纯用直接抒情的方法,突兀起伏,嘎然而止。
【单选题】 韩孟诗派是中唐时期兴起的一个影响较大的诗派,代表人物是________。
①  韩愈、孟郊
②  李商隐、 贾岛
③  韩愈 、孟浩然
④  贾岛、孟浩然
【单选题】 下列作者与作品对应正确的是________。
①  欧阳修《柳子厚墓志铭》
②  韩愈《永州八记》
③  柳宗元《种树郭橐驼传》
④  韩愈《朋党论》
【判断题】 将①李白和杜甫;②四杰和陈子昂;③刘禹锡和柳宗元;④李商隐和杜牧,按时间顺序排列,应该是:②③①④
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 杜甫一生诗作丰富,作品也是精雕细琢,“语不惊人死不休”,因为这种精神被后人称为“诗魔”。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 李贺诗被称之为“长吉体”或“昌谷体”,特色在于:⒈ 求奇的倾向:表现那些奇特、冷僻、甚至“未经人道”的形象、境界。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 杜甫四十五岁到四十八岁,作官,陷贼,遭贬,是他现实主义诗歌创作的高峰期。
①  正确
②  错误