Things are back to _____ since we paid off all our debts.
【单选题】 All things ____, the planned trip will have to be called off.
①  considered
②  be considered
③  considering
④  having considered
【单选题】 We all thought ______ pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.
①  that
②  which
③  this
④  it
【单选题】 We shall ______ all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it.
①  appeal to
②  appeal for
③  appeal with
④  appeal of
【单选题】 For formal English we’d better choose _______.
①  peculiar words
②  obsolete words
③  words of intensity
④  peculiar idioms
【单选题】 Alice had a dream of becoming a biologist at a very young age and her ( ) paid off.
①  possess
②  prevail
③  positive
④  persistence
【判断题】 Formal English is much more difficult to attain since it is subject to more restraints and requirements.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 For formal English, we’d better NOT choose_______.
①  words of glorification
②  verbs of action
③  words of strength
④  peculiar words
【简答题】 Directions: Translate sentence by using “nothing more than”.4. We ______________(意思只不过是说). This is the usual condition of things on our earth.
【单选题】 Not only ______ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.
①  we lost
②  lost we
③  we did lose
④  did we lose
【单选题】 Things never went _____ as we had expected
①  so smoothly
②  smooth
③  so smooth
④  smoothly
【单选题】 关于history对象的常用方法,以下说法正确的是()
①  back()用于加载前一个url
②  forward()用于加载下一个url
③  go()用于加载某个指定的url
④  以上说法均正确
【单选题】 下面选项中,( )能够获取滚动条距离页面顶端的距离。
①  onscroll
②  scrollLeft
③  scrollTop
④  top
【单选题】 关于正则表达式中的重复字符,以下说法正确的是
①  * 代表匹配前一项0次或多次
②  + 代表匹配前一项1次或多次
③  ? 代表匹配前一项0次或1次
④  以上全部正确
【单选题】 在JavaScript中,运行下面的代码,sum的值是( )。 var sum = 0; for(i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if(i%5==0) break; sum = sum + i; }
①  40
②  50
③  5
④  10
【单选题】 在HTML中,运行下面的javascript代码,则在弹出的提示框中显示的消息内容为()。
①  2
②  2.5
③  32/2
④  16
【单选题】 分析下面的JavaScript代码段,输出的结果是()。 emp=new Array(5); emp[1]=1; emp[2]=2; document.write(emp.length);
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
【单选题】 在HTML文档对象模型(DOM)中,history对象的( )方法用于加载历史列表中的下一个URL页面。
①  next( )
②  history( )
③  forword( )
④  go(-1)
【多选题】 某页面中有一个id为pdate的文本框,下列( )能把文本框中的值改为“2009-10-12”。
①  document.getElementById(pdate).setAttribute(value,2009-10-12);
②  document.getElementById(pdate).value=2009-10-12;
③  document.getElementById(pdate).getAttribute(2009-10-12);
④  document.getElementById(pdate).text=2009-10-12;
【多选题】 在JavaScript中,下列方法中相当于客户端点击F5(刷新)的是()
①  document.replace( );
②  document.reload( );
③  location.replace(location.href);
④  location.reload( );
【多选题】 以下不属于表格对象的方法有:
①  rows
②  insertRow
③  deleteRow
④  updateRow