----Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me ?----No, I wont. I ______ it already.
have seen
will see
【单选题】 — Do you want to go to see a movie?— ______________ I feel like doing something different.
①  Dont mention it.
②  Yes. I want it.
③  Not really.
④  Adeal.
【单选题】 May I see the menu, please?
①  That is the menu, sir
②  Yes, please go on
③  Here you are, sir
④  Of course, sir
【多选题】 A: I have a headache. I feel weak and tired.B: You ___________ go to see a doctor.
①  should
②  should not
③  had better
④  had better not
【判断题】 A: Would you go and see the film? B: Yes, I would.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 May I see your tickets and passports, please?
①  No, you can’t
②  Yes, you can
③  here they are
④  No, they are mine
【单选题】 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.
①  playing
②  to be playing
③  play
④  to play
【单选题】 I will do the clearing if you see_____the lunch.
①  out
②  off
③  to
④  through
【判断题】 A: Please dont make a noise. B: Yes, I wont.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Woman: Bob, do you think you can lend me fifty dollars? Bob: Let me see. ____
①  You know I have no money at all.
②  Sorry, I don’t think I have much with me.
③  I don’t think you should do it.
④  Oh, I have quite a lot.
【单选题】 I went to the doctors yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he________see me.
①  can
②  may
③  might
④  could
【单选题】 “三山实验”说明了儿童的( )意识并未形成。
①  逻辑意识
②  守恒意识
③  概念意识
④  直觉意识
【单选题】 情绪和情感是个体对内外环境变化产生的( )。
①  感想
②  体验
③  经验
④  认识
【单选题】 ( )是情感的具体形式和直接体验。
①  情绪
②  情感
③  态度
④  体验
【单选题】 引起情绪的原因最初是( )因素为主。
①  生理性
②  社会性
③  环境
④  教育
【单选题】 内源性微笑产生在( )。
①  0-5周
②  3-4周
③  一个月
④  三个月
【单选题】 ( )婴儿表现出真正的微笑。
①  0-5周
②  3-4周
③  一个月
④  三个月
【单选题】 幼儿到幼儿园就会哭泣,不愿待着幼儿园,属于( )。
①  分离性焦虑
②  分离性恐惧
③  分离愤怒
④  入园紧张
【单选题】 下列( )不是儿童产生愤怒的原因。
①  熟悉的情境发生变化
②  被他人惧怕情绪感染
③  后天经验
④  先天经验
【单选题】 新生儿的面部表情在很大程度上是( )。
①  反射性
②  社会性
③  基本性
④  过程性
【单选题】 婴儿的( )是婴儿和养育者交流的主要方式。
①  语言
②  面部表情
③  动作
④  手势