50年代,曾获得1953年纽伯里奖的 ,是美国儿童文学作品的两座高峰。
【多选题】 50年代,曾获得1953年纽伯里奖的 ,是美国儿童文学作品的两座高峰。
①  《夏洛的网》
②  《好兵帅克》
③  《堂吉诃德》
④  《小老鼠斯图亚特》
【多选题】 儿童文学作品论应重在分析评价各种文体的儿童文学作品的 。
①  艺术性
②  多样性
③  趣味性
④  教育性
【多选题】 儿童文学作品论应重在分析评价各种文体的儿童文学作品的 。
①  A.艺术性
②  B.多样性
③  C.趣味性
④  D.教育性
【多选题】 儿童文学作品论应重在分析评价各种文体的儿童文学作品的 。
①  艺术性
②  多样性
③  趣味性
④  教育性
【多选题】 学前儿童文学作品应具有()特点。
①  形象鲜明生动
②  结构简单有趣
③  语言浅显易懂
④  题材以学前儿童熟悉的生活为主
【单选题】 区别儿童文学作品与成人文学作品的最重要的分界是
①  A. 韵文性
②  B. 幻想性
③  C. 童趣性
④  D. 直观性
【判断题】 儿童文学作品现强烈的故事性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 儿童文学鉴赏是人们在阅读儿童文学作品时的一种特殊的精神活动,是由阅读儿童文学作品引发的一种艺术思维活动和审美活动。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下面哪项内容不是学前儿童文学作品学习的特征( )。
①  围绕文学作品展开学习活动
②  包含感受、理解与表现的审美目标
③  整合相关的学习内容
④  向儿童展示成熟的语言
【单选题】 下列各项中,不属于学前儿童文学作品的特点的是( )。
①  教育性
②  文学性
③  趣味性
④  功利性
【单选题】 I was told yesterday that the company ___ me to Rome next week for a business conference.
①  ?should have sent
②  ?was going to send
③  ?should be sending
④  ?should send
【单选题】 If it is fine tomorrow, we ___ a football match.
①  have
②  will have
③  has
④  shall has
【单选题】 I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he ___ see me.
①  ?can
②  ?may
③  ?might
④  ?could
【单选题】 If they ___ to do this work, he might do it some other way.
①  were
②  should
③  will
④  can
【单选题】 He was a good swimmer so he ___ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.
①  could
②  might
③  should
④  was able to
【单选题】 No sooner ___ he arrived home than he ___ to start on another journey.
①  has; was asked
②  have; were asked
③  had; is asked
④  had; was asked
【单选题】 This pencil is ______ than that one.
①  longest
②  long
③  longer
④  as long
【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 I think the story is not so ______ as that one.
①  Interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 This box is ______ that one.
①  heavy than
②  so heavy than
③  heavier as
④  as heavy as