cimetidine治疗十二指肠溃疡的机制是( )
【单选题】 H2受体阻断药临床主要用于( )
①  抗过敏
②  止吐
③  治疗消化道溃疡
④  镇静
⑤  治疗晕动病
【单选题】 H2受体阻断药对下列何种病疗效最好( )
①  结肠溃疡
②  十二指肠溃疡
③  卓-艾综合征
④  口腔溃疡
⑤  皮肤黏膜溃疡
【单选题】 下列何药不是H1受体阻断药( )
①  苯海拉明
②  扑尔敏
③  雷尼替丁
④  息斯敏
⑤  异丙嗪
【单选题】 无中枢镇静作用的H1受体阻断药是:( )
①  异丙嗪
②  苯海拉明
③  西替利嗪
④  氯苯那敏
⑤  cimetidine
【多选题】 阿托品阻断M受体产生
①  升高眼压
②  松弛胃肠平滑肌
③  加快心率
④  解除小血管痉挛,改善微循环
【单选题】 可被阿托品阻断的受体是
①  α受体
②  β受体
③  N型受体
④  M型受体
⑤  H和M型受体
【单选题】 可被阿托品阻断的受体是
①  α受体
②  β受体
③  N1型受体
④  N2型受体
⑤  M型受体
【单选题】 略有中枢兴奋作用的H\sub1\nosupersub受体阻断药是
①  异丙嗪
②  苯海拉明
③  苯印胺
④  氯苯那敏
⑤  赛庚啶
【单选题】 可被阿托品阻断的受体是( )
①  a受体
②  b 受体
③  N型受体
④  M型受体
【单选题】 十二指肠溃疡最好发于
①  十二指肠各段
②  十二指肠降部
③  十二指肠球部
④  升十二指肠部
⑤  十二指肠下段后壁
【判断题】 A:The students work hard.B:So they do.So do they.以上两种回应表达的意义相同。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: He doesnt speak French.B: 1. Nor do you2. Neither do you对话中B的两种回应意义不同。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Mary will win the prize.玛丽会赢得比赛。So she will. 是的,她会。以上句子对应的中文意思是否准确。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Anewtechnique______,theyieldsasawholeincreasedby20percent.
①  working out
②  having worked out
③  having been worked out
④  to have been worked out
【单选题】 The manager promised to keep me _____ of how our business was going on.
①  to be informed
②  on informing
③  informed
④  informing
【单选题】 The match was canceled because most of the members______a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  were objected to have
③  objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 In Australia,_____ the Asians make their influence in businesses large and small.
①  feeling
②  feel
③  felt
④  to be felt
【单选题】 The teacher doesnt permit______in class.
①  smoke
②  to smoke
③  smoking
④  to have a smoke
【单选题】 Thechildrenwenttheretowatchtheirontower________.
①  to erect
②  erecting
③  be erected
④  being erected
【单选题】 Mr. Johnson preferred_______ heavier work to do.
①  to be given
②  to be giving
③  to have given
④  having given