26. β受体阻断药不能用于治疗:( )
【单选题】 男性,55岁,有轻度高血压,伴有心动过速,轻度充血性心衰症状,有气喘和痛风史,治疗药物首选
①  α-受体阻滞剂
②  β-受体阻滞剂
③  血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂
④  中枢抗交感神经药
⑤  血管收缩剂
【单选题】 目前应用的抗充血性心力衰竭药不包括
①  肾上腺素
②  强心苷
③  血管扩张药
④  利尿药
【单选题】 硝酸甘油治疗充血性心力衰竭的主要机制是
①  直接扩张心内膜下血管
②  降低心肌耗氧量
③  扩张动脉,降低心脏后负荷
④  扩张静脉,降低心脏前负荷
⑤  扩张冠状动脉,改善心肌供血
【单选题】 交感神经过度兴奋所致窦性心动过速宜选用
①  普鲁卡因胺
②  胺碘酮
③  氟卡尼
④  普萘洛尔
⑤  利多卡因
【单选题】 59.充血性心力衰竭的患者不能使用下列何种溶液灌肠
①  A.肥皂水
②  B.温开水
③  C.1.2.3溶液
④  D.甘油
⑤  E.等渗盐水
【单选题】 防治急性心肌梗塞时室性心动过速的首选药是
①  普萘洛尔
②  利多卡因
③  奎尼丁
④  维拉帕米
⑤  普鲁卡因胺
【单选题】 治疗阵发性室上性心动过速首选
①  维拉帕米
②  苯妥英钠
③  胺碘酮
④  利多卡因
⑤  普鲁卡因胺
【单选题】 下列情况不宜用血管扩张剂治疗心力衰竭的是( )
①  心力衰竭伴低血压或血容量不足
②  心力衰竭伴高血压
③  心力衰竭伴低血钾
④  心力衰竭伴心动过缓
⑤  心力衰竭伴心房纤颤
【单选题】 高血压合并心肌梗死降压的目标是()
①  120/80mmHg
②  130/80mmHg
③  140/90mmHg
④  <150mmHg
⑤  125/75mmHg
【单选题】 高血压合并心力衰竭不宜用下哪种药物()。
①  氢氯噻嗪
②  卡托普利
③  哌唑嗪
④  依那普利
⑤  普萘洛尔
【单选题】 Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ____ the atmosphere.
①  as it is
②  so is
③  the same as
④  and so is
【单选题】 Some words are hard to____ because they have too many different uses.
①  express
②  explain
③  define
④  describe
【单选题】 Modern ____ perhaps causes more problems than it solves.
①  technique
②  technology
③  tactics
④  tendency
【单选题】 Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work.
①  discover
②  find
③  achieve
④  stop
【单选题】 People____ very much in their ideas.
①  change
②  vary
③  alter
④  transform
【单选题】 — The old man wouldn’ t stay at home for a rest even if it rained. —_____. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.
①  So would my grandpa
②  So wouldn’ t my grandpa
③  Neither would my grandpa
④  Nor wouldn’ t my grandpa
【单选题】 The dispute is ____ to be settled for a long time to come.
①  uncertain
②  susceptible
③  impossible
④  unlikely
【单选题】 I cannot read your writing. It is ____.
①  legible
②  illegible
③  eligible
④  intelligent
【单选题】 I caught a____ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.
①  glance
②  glimpse
③  look
④  see
【单选题】 Unless all the members agree to ____ to the plan there may be further development in the course of action.
①  tumble
②  stick
③  come
④  adjust