【单选题】 长春新碱作用于以下哪一期?
①  G1期
②  G2期
③  S期
④  M期
⑤  G0期
【判断题】 抗肿瘤药氟脲嘧啶属于抗代谢抗肿瘤药物
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 作用于S期的抗恶性肿瘤药错误的是
①  巯嘌呤
②  甲氨蝶呤
③  阿糖胞苷
④  氟尿嘧啶
⑤  放线菌素D
【单选题】 影响核酸生物合成的抗肿瘤药是
①  氟尿嘧啶
②  放线菌素
③  长春碱
④  顺铂
⑤  博来霉素
【单选题】 环磷酰胺在体内转化成烷化作用强的代谢物而起到抗恶性肿瘤的作用,该代谢物是
①  4-酮基环磷酰胺
②  4-羟基环磷酰胺
③  磷酰胺氮芥
④  羧磷酰胺
⑤  丙烯醛
【单选题】 作用于肿瘤细胞有丝分裂期,干扰微管合成的药物是()。
①  氟他胺
②  干扰素
③  甲羟孕酮
④  甲氨蝶呤
⑤  紫杉醇
【单选题】 罗红霉素主要作用于以下微生物,除了
①  革兰阳性菌
②  厌氧菌
③  真菌
④  衣原体
⑤  支原体
【单选题】 时间依赖性抗菌药如青霉素类、头孢菌素类和其他β-内酰胺类、红霉素、克林霉素等,应( )给药
【判断题】 环磷酰胺在肿瘤组织中经酶促反应生成的具有烷化作用的代谢产物是磷酰氮芥、丙烯醛、去甲氮芥
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 烷化剂环磷酰胺的结构类型是()。
①  多元卤醇类
②  甲磺酸酯类
③  乙撑亚胺类
④  亚硝基脲类
⑤  氮芥类
【单选题】 12. When you are _____ with the book, please don’t throw it away.
①  finishing
②  . familiar
③  through
④  . similar
【单选题】 26. I couldn’t go to Jane’s party. It was ______ day I was babysitting for Derek and Linda.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 29. It is cold outside. Put on your sweater or you will catch _____ cold.
①  the
②  a;
③  /
④  one;
【单选题】 18. Some students like to play_____ piano, while others like to play _____ football.
①  the, /
②  /, the
③  the, the
④  . the, a
【单选题】 5.The whole generation was brought up to be ______ of material things, so they had great difficulty settling down to a market economy.
①  scornful
②  . proud
③  sorrowful
④  fear
【单选题】 28.1. He sleeps during _____ day and works at _____ night.
①  the ;/
②  a;/
③  / ;the
④  one;/
【单选题】 11.You can get the best effect by_____ the volume during playback..
①  adjusting
②  . changing
③  adjusting to
④  making
【单选题】 25. Do you remember when Mark and Julie came over and had that terrible row? That was ______ day I wouldn’t want to go through again.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 16. I have been climbing _____ Alps, But I never managed to get up_____ Mont Blanc.
①  the, /
②  . /, the
③  The, the
④  The, a
【单选题】 13. He _____ a doctor when his mother was ill.
①  sent for
②  invited
③  sent in
④  . sent away