毛泽东认为只有认清中国社会的性质,才能认清( )。
【单选题】 认清和解决中国革命问题的基本依据是:()
①  认清中国的国情
②  认清中国社会的主要矛盾
③  认清革命的领导权
④  认清中国农民问题的重要性
【单选题】 近代中国的社会性质和主要矛盾,决定了中国革命是( )。
①  资产阶级民主革命
②  新文化革命
③  社会主义革命
④  旧民主主义革命
【单选题】 中国革命最基本的动力是( )。
①  民族资产阶级
②  农民阶级,尤其是贫农
③  无产阶级
④  城市小资产阶级
【单选题】 中国革命最基本的动力是( )
①  无产阶级
②  农民阶级
③  城市小资产阶级
④  民族资产阶级
【多选题】 近代中国社会的性质和主要矛盾,决定了中国革命的主要敌人就是帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义。 其中,帝国主义是中国革命的首要对象。之所以说帝国主义是中国革命的首要对象,是因为( )
①  帝国主义是阻碍中国社会进步和发展的最大障碍
②  帝国主义是是近代中国贫困落后的总根源
③  帝国主义是是近代中国一切灾祸的总根源
④  帝国主义是中国经济现代化和政治民主化的主要障碍
【单选题】 中国革命的首要问题是?
①  认清革命性质
②  认清革命发展前途
③  认清革命的敌人和朋友
④  认清革命的发展过程
【单选题】 指导中国革命和建设的是()。
①  马克思主义
②  毛泽东思想
③  邓小平理论
④  科学发展观
【单选题】 中国革命的首要对象是?
①  帝国主义
②  官僚资本主义
③  封建地主阶级
④  国民党反动派
【单选题】 中国革命的首要对象是( )
①  官僚资本主义
②  帝国主义
③  民族资本主义
④  封建主义
【单选题】 中国革命的最广大的动力是()。
①  工人、农民、小资产阶级、民族资产阶级
②  小资产阶级
③  无产阶级
④  贫农(包括雇农)
【单选题】 The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it _____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.
①  was turned out
②  was being turned out
③  being turned out
④  turned out
【单选题】 By the end of next month we _____this assignment.
①  will finish
②  will be finishing
③  will have finished
④  have finished
【单选题】 Our teacher recommended that we _____as attentive as possible when we visit the museum.
①  are
②  shall be
③  be
④  were
【单选题】 _____native to North America, corn has now spread all over the world.
①  In spite of
②  That it is
③  It was
④  Although
【单选题】 Televisions enable us to see things happen almost at the exact moment _____.
①  which they are happening
②  they are happening
③  which they happen
④  they have happened
【单选题】 By the time you graduate, we _____in Australia for one year.
①  will be staying
②  will have stayed
③  would have stayed
④  have stayed
【单选题】 If you want children to work hard you must _____their interests instead of their sense of duty.
①  appeal to
②  look into
③  give rise to
④  go in for
【单选题】 Watch out, the boss is disguised _____ your behavior.
①  to
②  at
③  for
④  with
【单选题】 Classification is a useful _____to the organization of knowledge in any field.
①  means
②  approach
③  mode
④  manner
【单选题】 Although the main characters in the fiction are so true to life, they are certainly _____.
①  imagining
②  imaginative
③  imaginable
④  imaginary