— David injured his leg playing football yesterday.— Really? ______?
Who did that
Whats wrong with him
How did that happen
Why was that
【单选题】 A: David injured his leg playing football yesterday. B: Really? [填空]
①  Who did that?
②  hats wrong with him
③  How did that happen
④  Why was he so careless?
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to ____ the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 The boy has admitted to _____the window while playing football yesterday.
①  breaking
②  having been broken
③  break
④  be breaking
【单选题】 Why he did it will remain a ____for ever.
①  strange
②  pass
③  public
④  puzzle
【单选题】 A nice dictionary_________ to him yesterday.
①  gave
②  has been given
③  was given
④  was giving
【单选题】 How did you [填空]the show?
①  see
②  found
③  feeling
④  like
【单选题】 1.—Did you accept his invitation? — ____bet I did.
①  I
②  You
③  People
④  They
【单选题】 ——How did you like Nick’s performance last night ?—— To be honest ,his singing didn’t ________to be much?
①  appeal
②  refer
③  belong
④  occur
【多选题】 ------ Why did she visit Africa?------ She went there____________________ .
①  for research work
②  to do research
③  to gather information
④  to collect information
【单选题】 The [] was seen strolling with his kids in the park at dusk yesterday.
①  elect president
②  president elect
【单选题】 反映粉碎国民党军队重点进攻的影片是( )。
①  《保卫延安》
②  《挺进大别山》
③  《英雄儿女》
④  《三大决战》
【单选题】 ( )做出伟大决策,把红军长征落脚点放在陕北。
①  古田会议
②  八七会议
③  榜罗镇会议
④  洛川会议
【单选题】 ( )是民生之源,是改善民生、实现发展成果由人民共享最重要最直接的方式。
①  经济发展
②  收入分配
③  科学发展
④  人民生活
【单选题】 中国共产党十一届三中全会确定把全党的工作重点转移到( )上来。
①  社会主义现代化建设
②  经济建设
③  改革开放
④  人民生活水平
【单选题】 坚决维护国家主权、安全、发展利益,疫情防控工作取得重大战略成果,三大攻坚战扎实推进,经济增长好于预期。下列不属于三大攻坚战的是( )。
①  社会治理
②  污染防治
③  精准脱贫
④  防范化解重大风险
【单选题】 习近平总书记在全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情表彰大会上指出:“抗疫斗争伟大实践再次证明,中国人民所具有的不屈不挠的意志力,是战胜前进道路上一切艰难险阻的( )源泉。”
①  思想
②  力量
③  实践
④  理论
【单选题】 1927年8月1日,( )打响了武装反抗国民党统治的第一枪,标志着中国共产党独立领导革命战争、创建人民军队和武装夺取政权的开始。
①  秋收起义
②  广州起义
③  南昌起义
④  上海工人三次武装起义
【判断题】 显示器件是基于光电手段提供信息,供视觉感受的一种器件。
【判断题】 根据本课程,目前无人经济处于移动支付的售货机阶段。
【判断题】 根据本课程,2020年8月15日,IBM公布了量子计算路线图。