— How was your trip to Australia?— ___________.
It was wonderful indeed
I went there alone
Very well
Believe it or not
【单选题】 How was your trip to Paris, Mary? ____________
①  Oh, wonderful indeed.
②  I went there alone.
③  The guide showed me the way.
④  By plane and by bus.
【单选题】 How was your trip to London, Jane?________
①  Oh, wonderful indeed.
②  I went there alone.
③  The guide showed me the way.
④  By plane and by bus.
【判断题】 A: How is he? B: He is not very well.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Before I left on the trip,I [填空]hard and got very fit.
①  had trained
②  trained
③  train
④  training
【单选题】 I get_______ my colleagues very well.
①  on
②  on with
③  over
【单选题】 I _______ sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps.
①  didn’t use to
②  used to
③  was used to
④  wasn’t used to
【判断题】 How would you like your steak? The answer will be rare, medium or well done.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Well, goodbye. I____________ our conversation very much.
①  enjoy
②  enlarge
③  enlighten
④  enable
【单选题】 A: [填空]. Where was I? B: You were talking about your trip to South Africa.
①  What did I hear
②  Lets back up
③  Lets check in
④  What were you talking about
【单选题】 Ted: I’m very sorry for stepping on your foot. Chark: __________ It’s very crowded on the bus.
①  Don’t worry.
②  That’s all right.
③  I’m fine.
④  Take it easy.
【判断题】 好奇心是指对周围环境中的新异刺激的积极反应倾向。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 利用家庭教育资源是开展科学教育的唯一途径
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 所谓真实任务,是指与真实世界相关的、具有实用性和适度复杂性的、跨学科的整合性任务。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 经验是持续扩展好奇、好问的基础
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 科学教育必须具有科学性这是由自然科学本身的特点所决定的
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 幼儿的科学教育是重在激发幼儿的认识兴趣和探究欲望,它的本质是什么,
①  素质启蒙
②  知识
③  科学启蒙
④  思维启蒙
【单选题】 根据幼儿的探究水平和层次,可将幼儿的探究方式分为自由探究、自由探究辅以问题探究、问题探究辅以自由探究和什么探究方式?
①  合作探究
②  小组探究
③  集体探究
④  问题探究
【单选题】 科技活动节方案的主要内容包括指导思想、活动主题、活动内容、活动实施、领导小组、经费预算情况,还有什么?
①  活动目标
②  活动过程
③  活动维度
④  活动参与者
【单选题】 让幼儿了解地铁、轻轨、电脑、家用电器、现代通信设备、无土栽培、航空技术、等等,体现了科学教育的哪一特点?
①  民族性
②  科学性
③  区域性
④  时代性
【单选题】 科学教育的目的不是让儿童获得大量的系统知识,而是让儿童获得与生活相关的丰富而多样化的什么能力?
①  理性经验
②  感性经验
③  动手能力
④  社会技能