— Could I use your dictionary for a moment?— _______________________.
Its well
It doesnt matter
I have no idea
By all means
【单选题】 Could I use your dictionary for a moment?
①  It’s well
②  It doesn’t matter
③  By all means
④  I have no idea
【单选题】 A: May I use your dictionary for a moment? B: [填空].
①  Its well
②  It doesnt matter
③  By all means
④  Here you are
【单选题】 May I use your bike for a moment?___________
①  It’s well.
②  It doesn’t matter.
③  By all means.
④  I have no idea.
【单选题】 Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?
①  Yes, you may borrow
②  Yes, go on
③  Yes, help yourself
④  It doesn’t matter
【单选题】 —Could I borrow your dictionary? —I’d get it for you ____I could remember who last borrowed it.
①  except that
②  unless
③  only if
④  if only
【判断题】 A: I apologize for what I said. B: It doesnt matter.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Can I use your powerbank for a moment, please? B: It depends. Im not using it myself.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: May I use your computer this afternoon? B: Im sorry, but I have to finish typing this term paper today. A: [填空].
①  It doesnt matter
②  Thank you just the same
③  Do as you please
④  Never mind
【单选题】 I ____________like your advice on this matter.
①  would
②  should
③  will
【单选题】 I will give this dictionary to ____ wants to have it.
①  whomever
②  someone
③  whoever
④  anyone
【单选题】 在微型计算机的各种设备中,既用于输入又可用于输出的设备是____。
①  磁盘驱动器
②  键盘
③  绘图仪
④  打印机
【单选题】 在Word 2010编辑状态中,使插入点快速移动到文档尾的操作是______。
①  PgUp
②  Alt+End
③  Ctrl+End
④  PgDn
【单选题】 下列存储器中,存取速度最快的是( )
①  软盘
②  硬盘
④  内存
【单选题】 在Windows的窗口菜单中,若某命令项后面有向右的黑三角,则表示该命令项( )
①  A)有下级子菜单
②  B)单击鼠标可直接执行
③  C)双击鼠标可直接执行
④  D)右击鼠标可直接执行
【单选题】 在Internet中的IP地址由( )位二进制数组成
①  A)8
②  B)16
③  C)32
④  D)64
【单选题】 在Excel2010中,以A7为左上角,N9为右下角的单元格区域表示为______。
①  A7#N9
②  A7+N9
③  A7:N9
④  A7N9
【单选题】 防火墙处置中心的任务目标是什么?
①  处置失陷和风险主机
②  处置防火墙重启
③  处置备份
④  处置防火墙升级
【单选题】 微型计算机的内存容量主要指( )的容量
①  A)RAM
②  B)ROM
④  D)Cacah
【单选题】 五笔输入法属于________汉字输入方法。
①  音码
②  形码
③  字码
④  手写码
⑤  其它都不对
【单选题】 在计算机上插U盘的接口通常是( )标准接口
①  A)UPS
②  B)USP
③  C)UBS
④  D)USB