In addition to a large collection of scientific works in Chinese, our library contains many scientific books in foreign languages.
【单选题】 Hongkong is a famous shopping paradise. There are many jewelry shops and antique shops. Many things made in Asia and Europe can also be found there. ( )Chinese tea and books in different languages.
①  In addition to
②  Except for
③  Otherwise
④  Except
【单选题】 We should make a clear ____ between the two scientific terms for the purpose of our discussion.
①  separation
②  discrimination
③  deviation
④  distinction
【单选题】 The linguists’ main interest had been to____ and describe languages.
①  analyze
②  express
③  command
④  comment
【单选题】 The scientific quest is grounded in reason and ____ inference from known facts.
①  logic
②  practical
③  magical
④  logical
【单选题】 ____ is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
①  What
②  As
③  Which
④  That
【单选题】 _____is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
①  What
②  As
③  Which
④  That
【单选题】 It is often more difficult to find trained men than ____ for scientific research.
①  getting financial support
②  to getting financial support
③  to get financial support
④  in getting financial support
【单选题】 Kingsley took a lot of ______________ with her while traveling because she was doing scientific research on fish.
①  furniture
②  equipment
③  information
④  education
【单选题】 19.Our school library is ________ closed for repairs.
①  shortly
②  quickly
③  temporarily
④  rapidly
【单选题】 Many people prefer large cars, ___ large cars are safer than small ones.
①  think
②  to think
③  having thought
④  thinking
【多选题】 (多选)下列( )明细账既可逐日逐笔登记,也可定期汇总登记
①  固定资产
②  库存商品
③  应收账款
④  管理费用
【多选题】 (多选)下列各项中,( )可以作为银行存款日记账的记账依据
①  库存现金收款凭证
②  库存现金付款凭证
③  银行存款收款凭证
④  银行存款付款凭证
【多选题】 (多选)常见的特种日记账主要是指( )
①  现金日记账
②  银行存款日记账
③  收入日记账
④  固定资产日记账
【单选题】 (单选)无法查明原因的现金盘盈应该记入( )科目。
①  管理费用
②  营业外收入
③  销售费用
④  其他业务收入
【单选题】 (单选)某企业仓库本期期末盘亏原材料,原因已经查明,属于自然损耗,经批准后,会计人员应编制的会计分录为( )。
①  借:待处理财产损溢   贷:原材料
②  借:待处理财产损溢  贷:管理费用
③  借:管理费用  贷:待处理财产损溢
④  借:营业外支出  贷:待处理财产损溢
【单选题】 (单选)企业的存货由于计量、收发错误导致的盘亏,由企业承担的部分应作为( )处理。
①  营业外支出
②  其他业务支出
③  坏账损失
④  管理费用
【单选题】 (单选)盘亏的固定资产应该通过( )科目核算。
①  固定资产清理
②  待处理财产损溢
③  以前年度损益调整
④  材料成本差异
【单选题】 (单选)下列记录可以作为调整账面数字的原始凭证的是( )。
①  盘存单
②  实存账存对比表
③  银行存款余额调节表
④  往来款项对账单
【单选题】 (单选)固定资产盘盈可通过( )科目核算。
①  “投资收益”
②  “以前年度损益调整”
③  “营业外收入”
④  “固定资产清理”
【单选题】 (单选)对往来款项进行清查,应该采用的方法是( )。
①  技术推算法
②  与银行核对账目法
③  实地盘存法
④  发函询证法