This will be a good____________ for us to exchange experience.
【单选题】 Keep a __________attitude and good things will happen.
①  negative
②  positive
③  post
【单选题】 Could you please tell us what kind of work _____you have got experience?
①  that
②  for that
③  which
④  in whick
【单选题】 Modern appliances _____us from a good deal of household work. For instance, the dryer frees us from hanging the laundry.
①  escape
②  benefit
③  liberate
④  comfort
【单选题】 This is an opportunity to ( )the reputation of the university.
①  improve
②  enhance
③  high
④  lengthen
【单选题】 This is an opportunity to _______ the reputation of the company.
①  help
②  promote
③  enhance
④  high
【多选题】 Usually, employersbelievethemostvaluablememberisthepersonwhohasthe“cando”attitude.<br/>
【单选题】 It is a(n) ____ attitude to take towards life.
①  absurd
②  silly
③  stupid
④  authentic
【单选题】 In Gloria was tall and slender. the writers attitude is [].
①  positive
②  negative
【单选题】 In Jerry nagged at me to walk the dog, the writers attitude is []
①  positive
②  negative
【单选题】 They ______ thankful to have the opportunity to further their studies.
①  would like to be
②  ought to be
③  would rather be
④  had better be
【单选题】 在下列符号常量定义中。错误的定义语句格式为( )。
①  const M1=10;
②  const int M2=20;
③  const M3 10
④  const char mark=’3’;
【单选题】 字符串“a+b=12\n”的长度为( )。
①  6
②  7
③  8
④  9
【单选题】 x>0 && x<=10的相反表达式为( )。
①  x10
②  x10
③  x0 && x>10
【单选题】 作为语句标号使用的C保留字case和default只能用于( )语句中。
①  if
②  for
③  switch
④  while
【单选题】 当处理特定问题时的循环次数已知时,通常采用( )循环来解决。
①  for
②  while
③  do-while
④  Switch
【单选题】 数值常量0173和0x62对应的十进制值之和为( )。
①  235
②  221
③  185
④  346
【单选题】 字符串“a+b=12\n”的长度为( )。
①  6
②  7
③  8
④  9
【单选题】 在每个C语言程序中都必须包含有这样一个函数,该函数的函数名为( )。
①  main
③  name
④  Funtion
【单选题】 数据类型int,char,float,double的类型长度之和为( )。
①  10
②  12
③  16
④  17
【单选题】 字符串\a\xy=4\n的长度为( )。
①  8
②  9
③  10
④  11