As man moves into the space age, the study of biological rhythms is of increasing____________ to travellers, pilots, the armed forces and astronauts.
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”As man moves into the space age, the study of biological rhythms is of increasing important.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 _____ had an evident influence on naturalism. It seemed to stress the animality of man, to suggest that he was dominated by the irresistible forces of evolution.
①  Transcendentalism
②  Darwinism
③  Marxism
④  Freudianism
【单选题】 What makes Jane Eyre one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age are the followings except_____.
①  it is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society
②  it is an intense moral fable
③  it is the first introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine
④  Jane Eyre is too timid to love her master Rochester.
【单选题】 24.All the President’s Men _____ one of the important books for scholars who study the Watergate Scandal.
①  remains
②  remained
③  remain
④  is remaining
【单选题】 It was in 1969 ____ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.
①  when
②  the moment
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 We only ( ) notes and travellers cheques.
①  exchanger
②  exchanges
③  exchangeable
④  exchange
【单选题】 They dont____________ the importance of this problem.
①  understands
②  understood
③  understanding
④  understand
【单选题】 设有关系表S(NO,NAME,AGE),其中AGE为年龄字段,则表达式AGE NOT BETWEEN 18 AND 24 等价于( )
①  A.AGE=18 or= age==24
②  B.AGE=18 or= age=24
③  C.AGE18 or= age==24
④  D.AGE18 or= age=24
【单选题】 设有关系表S(NO,NAME,AGE),其中AGE为年龄字段,则表达式AGE NOT BETWEEN 18 AND 24 等价于( )
①  AGE=24
②  AGE24
③  AGE=24
④  AGE24
【单选题】 The travellers have suffered many hardships and ____________ many difficulties.
①  undergo
②  undergoes
③  undergone
④  underwent
【判断题】 夏季高温时的抗剪强度不足和冬季低温时的抗变形能力过差,是引起沥青混合料铺筑的路面产生破坏的重要原因。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 不同生产厂家生产的同品种同强度等级的水泥可混放( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 玻璃棉属于无机保温材料
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 红砖在氧化气氛中烧得,青砖在还原气氛中烧得。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在原材料质量不变的情况下,决定混凝土强度的主要因素是( )。
①  水泥用量  
②  砂率  
③  单位用水量 ?
④  水灰比
【单选题】 在高温环境下结构物防水卷材宜选用( )
①  APP改性沥青防水卷材
②  SBS改性沥青防水卷材
③  氯化聚乙烯-橡胶共混防水卷材
④  沥青复合胎防水卷材
【单选题】 伸长率是衡量钢材的( )指标。
①  弹性
②  塑性
③  脆性
④  耐磨性
【单选题】 混凝土的砂用量为646Kg,石子用量为1200Kg,则该混凝土的砂率为( )。
①  54%
②  42%
③  35%
④  30%
【判断题】 在水泥中,石膏加入的量越多越好( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 分层度愈小,砂浆的保水性愈差( )。
①  正确
②  错误