A few minutes later, Jim heard his name called. He knew it was his turn to be____________ .
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”A few minutes later, Jim hear his name called.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 19. He tried to _____ from his memory what he knew of his former neighbor..
①  think of
②  remember
③  summon
④  gave way
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 He requested [] actually he pleaded that his name be withheld.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 The letters for the boss __________ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.
①  were put
②  was put
③  put
④  has put
【单选题】 He asked his neighbour to ________ his house.
①  keep an eye on
②  keep their eyes on
③  keep their eyes open
④  keep them eyes open
【判断题】 His government insisited that he stay until he finished his degree.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He was _____ his late twenties when he found his first job.
①  in
②  after
③  after
④  from
【单选题】 He put all his things [] his suitcase.
①  in
②  into
【单选题】 He is ____, but his wife is _____.?
①  awake…asleep ?
②  awake…sleep ?
③  waking…asleep ?
④  wake…asleep ?
【单选题】 谈判学家尼尔伦伯格认为,成功的、合作的谈判中要善于利用( )
①  需要
②  争辩
③  僵局
④  讨价还价
【单选题】 所有导致谈判僵局的谈判主题中,( )是最敏感的一种
①  价格
②  立场
③  付款
④  关系
【多选题】 法律人员是一项重大项目谈判的必然人员,其具体职责是( )
①  确认谈判对方经济组织的法人地位
②  监督谈判程序在法律许可范围内进行
③  决定谈判过程的重要事项
④  为最后决策提供专业方面的论证
⑤  检查法律文件的准确性和完备性
【多选题】 函电谈判的程序包括(  )
①  询盘
②  发盘
③  还盘
④  接受
⑤  签订合同
【单选题】 坚定的让步方式的特点是 ( )
①  让步方态度比较果断,给人以大家风度的感觉
②  比较机智、灵活、富有变化
③  自然、坦率、符合商务谈判讨价还价的一般规律
④  合作为主、竞争为辅,诚中见虚,柔中带刚
【多选题】 谈判组织的构成包括( )
①  谈判组织的人数
②  谈判内容
③  谈判组织的构成
④  谈判主体
【多选题】 谈判成本包括( )
①  谈判桌上的成本
②  谈判过程中的成本
③  合同的制作成本
④  谈判的机会成本
⑤  履行合同的成本
【单选题】 谈判主体的具体化是( )
①  目标
②  主体
③  谈判者
④  协议
【单选题】 在涉及合同中某些专业性法律条款的谈判时,主谈人应该( )
①  由懂行的专家或专业人员担任
②  由商务人员担任
③  由谈判领导人员担任
④  由法律人员担任
【单选题】 商品价格和资金谈判应该由( )承担
①  法务人员
②  技术人员
③  商务人员
④  财务人员