The population there has_____________ by ten percent.
【判断题】 The population of beijing has been increased for ten years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Between 1990 and 2000, the population of the United States increased____________ 33 million people.
①  in
②  at
③  on
④  by
【多选题】 Adult schools have become popular and the enrollment has increased_________ .
①  rapidly
②  quickly
③  greatly
④  hardly
【单选题】 5. As he is recovering, he has grown more confident and _______ about life.
①  pessimistic
②  positive
③  negative
④  interested
【单选题】 China has a large population than [填空] in the world.
①  all the countries
②  every country
③  any country
④  any other country
【单选题】 The population of many Alaskan cities has __________ doubled in the past three years.
①  larger than
②  as great as
③  more than
④  as many as
【单选题】 Most people give tips varying between 15 to 20 percent of the cost. Give a 15 percent tip to a waiter. Give him ( ) if he has done a good job.
①  much
②  some
③  less
④  more
【单选题】 What ___the population of the USA?
①  is
②  are
③  have
④  has
【单选题】 The population of the world ______ still _____ now.
①  will; grow
②  have; grown
③  is ; growing
④  is ; grown
【单选题】 A _________ is ten years
①  decade
②  century
③  millennium
④  dozen
【单选题】 处方对药品产地提出要求的处方药名是
①  怀山药
②  左牡蛎
③  明天麻
④  炒山药
⑤  子黄芩
【单选题】 某女,妊娠6周。胎动不安,阴道少量下血。中医辨证属冲任不固。处方:党参30g、白术10g、黄芪15g、天山雪莲6g、沙苑子20g、续断15g、桑寄生15g、阿胶15g。药师审方中发现该方有妊娠禁忌的中药是
①  黄芪
②  沙苑子
③  白术
④  天山雪莲
⑤  续断
【单选题】 痰迷心窍所致的痰厥昏迷、中风偏瘫、肢体不利,以及中暑、心胃气痛。建议选用()。
①  万氏牛黄清心丸
②  苏合香丸
③  紫雪散
④  安宫牛黄丸
⑤  清开灵口服液
【单选题】 主治痰热咳嗽,痰黄黏稠的成药是()。
①  半夏天麻丸
②  消瘿丸
③  复方鲜竹沥液
④  清气化痰丸
⑤  通宣理肺丸
【单选题】 不宜与紫苏子排列在一起的药物是
①  炒谷芽
②  牛蒡子
③  菟丝子
④  炒麦芽
⑤  决明子
【单选题】 车前子、葶苈子宜
①  后下
②  先煎
③  另煎
④  包煎
⑤  煎汤代水
【单选题】 沸后用武火煎10~15分钟为宜的中药是
①  止血药
②  滋补药
③  解表药
④  温里药
⑤  清热药
【单选题】 肝火犯胃所致的胃痛,胁痛宜用()。
①  九气拈痛丸
②  胃苏颗粒
③  养血安神丸
④  四逆散
⑤  左金丸
【单选题】 在能够预见到某种药品经过短时间储存易发生质量变化时,该种药品的出库原则是( )。
①  先进先出
②  近效期先出
③  易变先出
④  先产先出
【单选题】 药品批准文号的格式为( )。
①  国药研字+1位字母+8位数字
②  卫药准字+1位字母+8位数字
③  国药试字+1位字母+8位数字
④  国药准字+1位字母+8位数字