目标消费者人数众多时,生产者倾向于利用( )。
【单选题】 当目标顾客人数众多时,生产者倾向于利用_________。
①  长而宽的渠道
②  短渠道
③  窄渠道
④  直接渠道
【单选题】 当目标顾客人数众多时,生产者倾向于利用(  )。
①  长而宽的渠道
②  短渠道
③  窄渠道
④  直接渠道
【单选题】 当目标顾客人数众多时,生产者倾向于利用( )。
①  长而宽的渠道
②  短渠道
③  窄渠道
④  直接渠道
【判断题】 生产者市场多采用间接渠道,消费者市场多采用直接渠道
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 生产者市场多采用间接渠道,消费者市场多采用直接渠道。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 生产者市场多采用直接式渠道,消费者市场多采用间接式渠道。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 按照( )划分,可将分销渠道划分为宽分销渠道与窄分销渠道。
①  中间机构级数
②  分销渠道各层次同类中间商的数目
③  分析渠道的中间环节
④  分销渠道的层次
【单选题】 ( )是指确定每个渠道层次使用多少个中间商,即采取宽渠道还是窄渠道
①  确定渠道成员的责任与条件
②  确定渠道模式
③  确定渠道成员的数量
【单选题】 生产者→批发商→零售商→消费者的渠道级数是( )级。
①  零级
②  一级
③  二级
④  三级
【单选题】 消费者市场最普遍的一种渠道是( )
①  消费品生产者—零售商—最终消费者
②  消费品生产者—批发商—零售商—最终消费者
③  消费品生产者—代理商—零售商—最终消费者
④  消费品生产者—最终消费者
【单选题】 The manager promised to keep me _____ of how our business was going on.
①  to be informed
②  on informing
③  informed
④  informing
【单选题】 The match was canceled because most of the members______a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  were objected to have
③  objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 In Australia,_____ the Asians make their influence in businesses large and small.
①  feeling
②  feel
③  felt
④  to be felt
【单选题】 The teacher doesnt permit______in class.
①  smoke
②  to smoke
③  smoking
④  to have a smoke
【单选题】 Thechildrenwenttheretowatchtheirontower________.
①  to erect
②  erecting
③  be erected
④  being erected
【单选题】 Mr. Johnson preferred_______ heavier work to do.
①  to be given
②  to be giving
③  to have given
④  having given
【单选题】 The speaker, _______ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by the audience.
①  having known
②  being known
③  knowing
④  known
【单选题】 I remember _______ to help us if we ever got into trouble.
①  once offering
②  him once offering
③  him to offer
④  to offer him
【单选题】 WellvisitEuropenextyear______wehaveenoughmoney.
①  lest
②  until
③  unless
④  provided
【单选题】 The course normally attracts 20 students per year,_______up to half will be from Orient.
①  in which
②  for whom
③  with which
④  of whom