在电子支付过程中,起关键作用的是( )。
【判断题】 支付网关的主要作用是保障电子支付过程的安全.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在甲状腺激素合成过程中起关键作用的酶是
①  脱碘酶
②  蛋白水解酶
③  过氧化酶
④  酪氨酸羟化酶
⑤  缩合酶
【单选题】 防火墙支持哪些认证方式?
①  AD
④  全部支持
【多选题】 电子现金的支付过程包括
①  购买并储存电子现金
②  用电子现金购买商品或服务
③  资金清算
④  确认订单
【单选题】 目前在防火墙上提供了几种认证方法,其中防火墙设定可以访问内部网络资源的用户访问权限是( )。
①  客户认证
②  回话认证
③  用户认证
④  都不是
【单选题】 在骨骼肌兴奋-收缩耦联过程中起关键作用的离子是()
①  Na<sup>+</sup>;
②  K<sup>+</sup>;
③  Ca<sup>2+</sup>;
④  Cl<sup>-</sup>;
⑤  Mg<sup>2+</sup>
【单选题】 在骨骼肌兴奋-收缩耦联过程中起关键作用的离子是
①  Na+
②  K+
③  Ca2+
④  Cl
⑤  -Mg2+
【单选题】 防火墙处置中心的任务目标是什么?
①  处置失陷和风险主机
②  处置防火墙重启
③  处置备份
④  处置防火墙升级
【单选题】 防火墙可以分为( )。
①  内防火墙和外防火墙
②  包过滤防火墙和代理防火墙
③  内防火墙包过滤防火墙和
④  外防火墙和代理防火墙
【多选题】 按照防火墙对数据的处理方法,可将防火墙分为( )两类。
①  数据包过滤防火墙
②  DNS防火墙
③  代理防火墙
④  网络服务防火墙
【单选题】 The reason _____ he was late for the meeting is _____ his car broke down on the road.
①  why; that
②  why; because
③  that; that
④  for which; because
【单选题】 During the Second World War, once before, the U-boats had been _____ because of air attack.
①  in trouble
②  in the trouble
③  for trouble
④  within trouble
【单选题】 After five hours’ drive, they reached ___________they thought was the place they’d been dreaming of.
①  that
②  where
③  which
④  what
【单选题】 Although only of __________ intelligence, he speaks four languages fluently.
①  average
②  middle
③  mean
④  normal
【单选题】 Computer classes must be __________ to every student of all grades, which will make them have a good command of the modern communication and learning tool.
①  accessible
②  avoidable
③  valuable
④  acceptable
【单选题】 Peter’s mother kept telling him that he should give up smoking, but _____ didn’t help.
①  he
②  which
③  she
④  it
【单选题】 Not until he went through real hardship the love we have for our families is important.
①  had he realized
②  did he realize
③  he realized
④  he had realized
【单选题】 —I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over _____ keyboard.—You shouldn’t put drinks near _____ computer.
①  the; /
②  the; a
③  a; /
④  a; a
【单选题】 The letters for the boss __________ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.
①  were put
②  was put
③  put
④  has put
【单选题】 Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _____ I could answer the phone.
①  as
②  since
③  until
④  before