【判断题】 工序能力系数与被加工工件工序公差无关。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )是加工过程中各个工序应保证的加工尺寸,其公差即为工序尺寸公差。
①  工序尺寸
②  工序公差
③  工序
【判断题】 工序能力的高低可用工艺能力系数Cp值的大小来衡量。某工序加工的零件尺寸呈正太分布,且时,则该工序不会出废品。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 被加工零件工序图重点反映本工序加工内容及装夹方案。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 所谓工序能力,就是工序处于稳定状态时,加工误差正常波动的范围,该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 工序能力指数CP=0.91时,说明工序能力()。
①  不足
②  充分
③  尚可
【单选题】 加工中心通常按工序集中原则划分工序,( )不是工序集中原则的优点。
①  提高生产效率
②  缩短工艺路线
③  保证各加工表面间相互位置精度
④  优化切削用量
【单选题】 与汽车滚动阻力系数无关的因素是_________。
①  轮胎结构
②  轮胎气压
③  汽车质量
④  汽车速度
【单选题】 与汽车滚动阻力系数无关的因素是( )。
①  轮胎结构
②  轮胎气压
③  车辆重量
④  车辆速度
【单选题】 定位误差是由于工件在夹具或机床上定位不准确而引起的加工误差?当工件的工序基准与()不重合时,将会产生定位误差?
①  设计基准
②  测量基准
③  定位基准
④  装配基准
【单选题】 The committee is due to __________ its report by the end of this year.
①  release
②  relieve
③  relate
④  retain
【单选题】 Air pollution __________ , this city is still a good place to live in.
①  being greatly reduced
②  greatly being reduced
③  to greatly reduce
④  greatly to reduce
【单选题】 TOEFL is a test for students __________ native language is not English.
①  that
②  of whom
③  whose
④  which
【单选题】 __________ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.
①  As for
②  Besides
③  Except
④  Despite
【单选题】 That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but __________ the police.
①  called in
②  calling in
③  call in
④  to call in
【单选题】 Well done. Congratulations on your success.
①  Thank you very much
②  Oh, no, no
③  No, I didn’t do very well
④  Sorry, I couldn’t any better
【单选题】 Good morning, sir. May I help you?
①  No, I don’t buy anything
②  No, I don’t need your help
③  Yes, I need some sugar
④  Oh, no. That’s OK
【单选题】 I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner.
①  Thank you. You shouldn’t’ do that
②  Thanks, I’d like to go with you
③  No, you can’t say so
④  No, no, You can’t do that
【单选题】 He’s determined to finish the job __________ long it takes.
①  no matter
②  however
③  wherever
④  whatever
【单选题】 -- Could I speak to John Harris, please.
①  Oh, how are you
②  I’m John
③  I’m listening
④  Speaking