Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]9. What she said[填空1]me that I was mistaken.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]9. What she said[填空1]me that I was mistaken.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]3. Every term students are given the opportunity to[填空1]their instructors.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]3. Every term students are given the opportunity to[填空1]their instructors.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]2. Thehours that a child plays incompany with his peers[填空1]his life space and provide him with experience in getting along with others.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[evaluate; expand; reveal; fertile; convince; impulse; reach; transfer; concrete; productive; take up; right away; fall asleep; back and forth; take advantage of; try to]2. Thehours that a child plays incompany with his peers[填空1]his life space and provide him with experience in getting along with others.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[collide with; take hold of; for a moment; head for; ever since; be full of; share with; make fun of]3. Dont[填空1]the disabled!
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[compromise; doom; due to; financial; rarely; security; source; survey; unique; valid]1. The project was[填空1]right from the beginning.
【简答题】 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[compromise; doom; due to; financial; rarely; security; source; survey; unique; valid]1. The project was[填空1]right from the beginning.
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with the phrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[collide with; take hold of; for a moment; head for; ever since; be full of; share with; make fun of]5.[填空1]your end of the stick, and well pull you up.
【简答题】 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form if necessary.[fee; react; expand; besides; quantity; stay; highly; device; customer; commercial]9. The present government is unlikely to[填空1]in power after the next election.
【单选题】 下列哪项是防火的安全装置:( )。
①  阻火装置
②  安全阀
③  防爆泄压装置
④  安全液封
【单选题】 爆炸性混合物爆炸的威力,取决于可燃物的( )。
①  浓度
②  温度
③  压强
④  流量
【单选题】 触电是指人在非正常情况下,接触或过分靠近带电体而造成( )对人体的伤害。
①  电压
②  电流
③  电阻
④  电弧
【单选题】 化学工业安全生产禁令中,操作工有( )条严格措施。
①  3
②  5
③  6
④  12
【判断题】 女职工配戴安全帽不需要将头发放进帽衬。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 化工企业中压力容器泄放压力的安全装置有安全阀和防爆膜。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 危险源辨识的范围应为本组织所管辖的工作场所内的全部范围。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 化工厂生产区登高(离地面垂直高度)2m必须系安全带。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 任何一张零件图都必须具备一组视图、制造和检验的全部尺寸、技术要求、标题栏,否则不能满足要求。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 用消防器材灭火时,要从火源中心开始扑救。
①  正确
②  错误