【判断题】 九品中正制是魏晋南北朝时期的重要选官制度。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ()废除了九品中正制和辟举制,大小官吏都由中央政府任命,选士既不须州郡的荐举,也不经中正的评定,而由朝廷用公开考试的方法甄别选用。这便是科举制的真正开始。
①  汉代
②  魏晋
③  隋代
④  唐代
【单选题】 ( )时期,九品中正制废除,官员选任权收归中央。
①  先秦
②  两汉
③  魏晋南北朝
④  隋唐
【多选题】 九品中正制的消极意义有( )。
①  重家世,轻才德,堵塞了任用贤才的道路
②  高级士族把持选举,徇私枉法,扰乱吏治
③  人人望品,不择手段
④  抑制大族
【单选题】 九品论人到( )时发展为九品中正制。
①  魏文帝
②  魏武帝
③  魏明帝
④  魏景帝
【判断题】 古代对官吏考核的九品中正制源自三国曹魏时期。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 魏晋南北朝时期的南朝包括()
【多选题】 魏晋南北朝小说的主要种类有
①  志怪小说
②  公案小说
③  爱情小说
④  历史小说
⑤  志人小说
【单选题】 魏晋南北朝时期著名的公文不包括
①  诸葛亮《出师表》
②  曹操《与孙权书》
③  李密《陈情表》
④  李斯《谏逐客书》
【单选题】 魏晋以后,汉代的察举制度发展为()。
①  试家法
②  九品中正制
③  射策
④  征辟
【单选题】 The new technology has been ( ) in the industrial production.
①  utilized
②  possessed
③  elevated
④  focused
【单选题】 Not only does Tom attend class regularly, but he also ()in extracurricular activities frequently.
①  participates
②  participate
③  involve
④  involved
【单选题】 It ( ) that the kids had spent the whole day playing games.
①  turned up
②  turned out
③  turned off
④  turned on
【单选题】 The tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ( ).
①  took
②  taken
③  undertaken
④  undertook
【单选题】 The poor child was ( ) by his parents soon after his birth.
①  accomplished
②  assured
③  astute
④  abandoned
【单选题】 They teach the computer to think and ( ) develop and sharpen their own reasoning abilities.
①  result in
②  result from
③  as a result
④  with result
【单选题】 The song never failed to ( ) his spirits.
①  overcome
②  utilize
③  exercise
④  elevate
【单选题】 Alice had a dream of becoming a biologist at a very young age and her ( ) paid off.
①  possess
②  prevail
③  positive
④  persistence
【单选题】 His CD player is beeping, for the battery is ( ).
①  runnig low
②  failing to
③  lacking of
④  short of
【单选题】 My teachers words ( ) me a lot in my decision making.
①  assured
②  accomplished
③  confronte
④  influenced