【多选题】 只有把新发展理念贯穿发展全过程和各领域,构建新发展格局,切实转变发展方式,推动哪些变革,才能实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续、更为安全的发展()。
①  A.质量变革
②  B.人才变革
③  C.效率变革
④  D.动力变革
【单选题】 “十四五”时期经济社会发展必须坚持新发展理念。把新发展理念贯穿发展全过程和各领域,构建新发展格局,切实转变发展方式,推动质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,实现更高( )、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续、更为安全的发展。
①  质量
②  水平
③  公平
【单选题】 贯彻新发展理念、建设现代化经济体系,要坚持质量第一、效益优先,以( )为主线,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,提高全要素生产率。
①  供给侧结构性改革
②  全面提升实体经济
③  深化要素市场化配置改革
④  推进“三去一降一补”
【多选题】 我们提出并贯彻新发展理念,着力推进高质量发展,()。
①  A.推动构建新发展格局
②  B.实施供给侧结构性改革
③  C.制定一系列具有全局性意义的区域重大战略
④  D.我国经济实力实现历史性跃升
【判断题】 高质量发展是体现新发展理念的发展。
【判断题】 践行新发展理念是高质量发展的内涵。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 融入新发展格局为高质量发展提供了()。
①  A.方向
②  B.保障
③  C.标准
④  D.路径
【单选题】 准确把握新发展阶段,深入贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,是哪次会议提出的?
①  十九届二中全会
②  十九届三中全会
③  十九届四中全会
④  十九届五中全会
【判断题】 2021年《政府工作报告》指出,要准确把握新发展阶段,深入贯彻新发展理念,加快构建新发展格局,推动高质量发展,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家开好局起好步。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 在我国的新发展理念中,高质量发展主要体现为()。
①  A.共享成为根本目的
②  B.协调成为内生特点
③  C.绿色成为普遍形态
④  D.开放成为必由之路
【单选题】 19. Your room is ____ mine.
①  twice as large
②  twice the size of
③  bigger twice than
④  as twice large as
【单选题】 4. I think the story is not so ____as that one.
①  interesting
②  interested
③  more interesting
④  most interesting
【单选题】 3.This book is ____that one, but ____than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 8. My mother is no ____young.
①  shorter
②  longer
③  little
④  few
【单选题】 20. Your room is ____ than mine.
①  three time big
②  three times big
③  three times bigger
④  bigger three times
【单选题】 18. The earth is about ____ as the moon.
①  as fifty time big
②  fifty times as big
③  as big fifty times
④  fifty as times big
【单选题】 15.–What’s your brother like? –He is____.
①  a driver
②  very tall
③  my friend
④  at school
【单选题】 6. I think science is ____than Japanese.
①  much important
②  important
③  much more important
④  more much important
【单选题】 5. His father began to work ____he was seven years old.
①  as old as
②  as early as
③  as soon as
④  as much as
【单选题】 13. The house is ____ small for a family of six.
①  much too
②  too much
③  very tall many
④  many very tall