【判断题】 传统市场调研的运作速度慢于网络市场调研。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 网络市场调研的结果要比传统的市场调研的结果可靠性更强。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 网络市场调研一手资料的调查方法主要有( )
①  网络观察法
②  专题讨论法
③  在线问卷法
④  网络实验法
⑤  电子邮件调查法
【判断题】 国际市场调研所需要的技术和国内市场调研所需要的技术是相同的()。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 进行市场调研策划的首要环节就是( )
①  确定调研的必要性
②  确定调研主题
③  确定调研目标
【单选题】 市场调研是一种商业性活动,在保证调研质量的同时,还要考虑到经济效益,即考虑投入产出比。是指市场调研中( )原则。
①  时效性
②  经济性
③  系统性
【多选题】 网上市场调研的特点有哪些:
①  调查问卷设计简单
②  调研成本低
③  调查数据处理方便
④  可获得大量调查数据
【判断题】 传统的市场调研适用于面对面的深度的访谈。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在市场调研实施过程中,访员不会影响调研的质量。( )
【判断题】 网络市场调研受成本限制,调查地区和样本的数量均有限。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Help __________.
①  you
②  yourself
③  yourselfs
④  your
【单选题】 She was doing her homework _____ the bell rang.
①  while
②  when
③  that
④  how
【单选题】 They _______ lots of food and drinks to the poor.
①  sent
②  were sent
③  send
④  were sending
【单选题】 She speaks English ________ than I do.
①  good
②  better
③  well
④  best
【单选题】 Lucy _____ her desk yesterday.
①  tidied up
②  was tidying
③  tidies up
④  is tidying up
【单选题】 He __________ five telephone calls to his parents.
①  makes
②  was made
③  has made
④  was making
【单选题】 The day we were married was _________day of my life.
①  happy
②  the happier
③  the happiest
④  happiest
【单选题】 It is going to rain. The sky is getting _________ and ________.
①  dark, dark
②  darker and darker
③  darkest and darkest
④  dark and darker
【单选题】 The old man ______ across the street
①  walked
②  was walking
③  walks
④  were walking
【单选题】 The boy _______ his hands just now.
①  was washing
②  is washing
③  washes
④  washed