【判断题】 在建筑、制造等领域,扩大对初中毕业生实行中高职贯通培养的招生规模。
【单选题】 ( )鼓励大中专院校对口专业毕业生从事养老服务业。要求“依托院校和养老机构建立养老服务实训基地。
①  《河北省人民政府关于加快发展养老服务业的实施意见》
②  《民政部关于推进养老服务评估工作的指导意见》
③  《老年人权益保障法》
④  《关于加快推进养老服务业人才培养的意见》
【单选题】 并面向社会直接招收初中毕业生和在职青年举办()职业教育。
①  初等
②  中等
③  高等
【判断题】 根据本讲,在都市圈内率先实现与产业链相配套的中高职学校紧缺专业贯通招生。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 2015年,我国培养了区块链领域的第一个博士毕业生。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 教育部:“将深入论证人工智能学科内涵,推进( )建设,并尽快提出增加人工智能领域研究生招生指标的方案,科学合理、稳步有序地扩大才培养规模”。
①  A.大数据领域一级学科
②  B.人工智能领域一级学科
③  C.互联网领域一级学科
【单选题】 养老护理员的工作是为老年人服务,为养老机构服务,为社会服务。( )
【多选题】 应届毕业生招聘的特点:
①  分布比较集中
②  应聘时间集中
③  具有独特的工作优势
④  具有较强的工作经验
【判断题】 由于教育准备不当导致的毕业生“学非所用”、高材低用等是“反教育”的失范行为。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 能够申请国家开放大学优秀毕业生的学生是( )
①  应届专科毕业生
②  应届本科毕业生
③  应届本科和专科毕业生
④  只要是毕业生都可以申请
【单选题】 ______ semantics is the interface between lexicology and semantics. It is the most significant part of lexicology and is also the most robust in semantics.
①  sentence
②  lexical
③  discourse
④  general
【单选题】 When making a choice of words, a speaker/writer needs to consider the following major factors EXCEPT_______.
①  audience
②  length of speech
③  purpose
④  formal and informal English
【单选题】 ________ words in the English language refer to words of Anglo-Saxon origin.
①  Loan
②  Content
③  Function
④  Native
【单选题】 “-ful” in the word “careful” is _______.
①  a free morpheme
②  a grammatical morpheme
③  an inflectional morpheme
④  a derivational morpheme
【单选题】 Testing oneself to evaluate one’s learning is an example of _______ strategies.
①  determination
②  social
③  cognitive
④  metacognitive
【单选题】 Words that are oppositein meaning are called _______.
①  homonyms
②  polysemy
③  antonyms
④  synonyms
【单选题】 ________ strategy, traditionally known as mnemonics, involves relating the word to some previously learned knowledge by using some form of imagery or grouping.
①  Determination
②  Memory
③  Metacognitive
④  Cognitive
【单选题】 Which of the following methods is not one of the most popular ways of creating English new words?
①  derivation
②  imagination
③  conversion
④  compounding
【单选题】 The Norman Conquest greatly impacted the Anglican style of life and the language. As a result,thousands of Old English words were replaced by _______words.
①  Latin
②  Italian
③  Greek
④  French
【单选题】 _______ is a figurative technique by which non-living objects such as things and ideas are endowed with the traits, feelings, actions, characteristics, and even languages of human beings.
①  Personification
②  Dehumanization
③  Onomatopoeia
④  Hyperbole