After15yearsintheUnitedStates,hehasfinallydecidedto    Americancitizenship.
【单选题】 15. She suffered great mental_____ after her husband died, and as a result she became mad.
①  anger
②  . discomfort
③  unhappiness
④  anguish
【单选题】 Which part is to be finished after a lesson in a lesson plan?
①  Teaching aids
②  End of a lesson summary
③  Optional activities and assignment
④  After lesson reflection.
【单选题】 After a week at sea, the sailors saw ______.
①  land
②  earth
③  ground
④  soil
【单选题】 It was ___ back home after the experiments.
①  not until midnight did he go
②  until midnight that he didn’t go
③  not until midnight that he went
④  until midnight when he didn’t go
【单选题】 After the break, the class resumed with ( ) spirit.
①  renewed
②  recurred
③  recalled
④  repayed
【单选题】 It was_____ back home after the experiment.
①  not until midnight did he go
②  until midnight that he didn’ t go
③  not until midnight that he went
④  until midnight when he didn’ t go
【单选题】 After the Civil War America was transformed from ______ to ______.
①  an agrarian community … an industrialized and commercialized society
②  an agrarian community … a society of freedom and equality
③  a poor and backward society … an industrialized and commercialized society
④  an industrialized and commercialized society … a highly developed society
【单选题】 After the experiment in the laboratory, they began _________ their reports.
①  written
②  write
③  to write
④  writes
【单选题】 After ten years, all these youngsters became____.
①  grown-up
②  grown-ups
③  growns-ups
④  growns-up
【单选题】 Miss Green was ____ $100 for driving after drinking.
①  fined
②  charged
③  punished
④  posed
【单选题】 和面的手法大体可分为( )。
①  抄拌法、调合法、搅和法
②  机器和面、手工和面
③  阴阳手法、招叠手法
④  抄拌法、调和法
【单选题】 进行搓制面包面团时,下列说法不正确的是( )。
①  双手动作要协调、用力均匀
②  搓条要粗细均匀
③  搓的时间要稍长,搓均匀
④  搓时用力不宜过猛,以免断裂
【单选题】 装盘是西式面点甜点( )的第一步。
①  制作工艺
②  定型工艺
③  装饰工艺
④  成熟工艺
【单选题】 在制作黄油酱时,熬制糖水,应注意( )。
①  将糖水熬到很稠,不透明为止
②  不要将糖水熬上颜色
③  将糖水熬上适当的黄褐色
④  不要将过多的水分蒸发
【单选题】 面粉在贮存期间,面粉中的硫氢键转化为双硫键,从而改善了面粉的性能,这种现象称为( )。
①  淀粉的糊化
②  淀粉的老化
③  面粉的熟化
④  面粉的陈化
【单选题】 溶化黄油的最佳方法是( )和微波溶化法。
①  双煮法
②  烤化法
③  煎化法
④  水煮法
【单选题】 烘烤清蛋糕时,要注意盛装的清蛋糕面糊的烤盘( )。
①  不要放在烤箱中心部位
②  不要放在热源中心
③  体积大小、厚薄
④  组织密度
【单选题】 “Flour”是指( )。
③  鱼胶
④  面粉
【单选题】 ( )等鲜果一般我们不用作制作鲜果沙拉的原料。
①  苹果、山梅、香蕉
②  香蕉、草莓、哈密瓜
③  梨、桃、香蕉
④  梨、桃、山梅
【单选题】 冰蛋由于采用速冻,使蛋液中的( )很少受到破坏,从而保留了鸡蛋的工艺特性。
①  卵磷脂特性
②  物理特性
③  胶体特性
④  营养特性