【单选题】 ——Mary, what would you say to a holiday for the weekend? ——____. I am simply tired of life here.
①  You’retakenthewordsoutofmymouth
②  Enjoyyourself
③  Ican’taffordthetime
④  Whereshouldwego?
【单选题】 —Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll ask Mary to take it to you soon.—_____. I’ve bought a new one.
①  No sense
②  No hurry.
③  No way
④  sorry
【单选题】 A: Mary, Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this Friday. B: Whats the matter? [填空].
①  Nothing wrong, I hope
②  Its all right with me
③  Im really sorry for that
④  You can come some other time
【单选题】 A: Hi, Mary. Its Peter. Do you have time to talk? B: Hi, Peter, [填空]. I was just watching TV.
①  so what
②  no doubt
③  sure
④  some time
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she __________ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 When I saw Mary , she _______on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 When I saw Mary, she ___ on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【单选题】 Do you mind if I join you?
①  I’m very happy to do so
②  Never mind
③  Please do
④  Oh, I can’t
【单选题】 Mary: How do you like Professor White’s lecture? John: ____
①  He talked about economy.
②  He teaches Class 2 students.
③  Very much.
④  He is a middle-aged professor.
【单选题】 1.When I saw Mary, she on the piano.
①  is playing
②  plays
③  was playing
④  played
【判断题】 表征陈述性知识的最基本单位是由“如果/则”构成的产生式。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 课堂越安静,学生的学习效率越高。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列选项中,属于教育心理学研究内容的是?
①  教师心理
②  个体差异
③  教学心理
④  学习心理
【多选题】 在小学低年级,儿童的记忆以什么占优势?
①  语词逻辑记忆
②  抽象记忆
③  形象记忆
④  机械记忆
【多选题】 根据形成的原因,课堂纪律包括哪些类型?
①  教师促成的纪律
②  集体促成的纪律
③  任务促成的纪律
④  自我促成的纪律
【多选题】 根据练习的时间分配方式,可以把练习分为?
①  集中练习
②  分散练习
③  循环练习
④  变式练习
【多选题】 小学儿童教育心理学研究应遵循的基本原则包括?
①  客观性原则
②  系统性原则
③  理论联系实际的原则
④  定量与定性研究相结合的原则
【多选题】 小学生的心理健康问题主要表现在哪些方面?
①  学习
②  情绪
③  行为
④  社会适应
【多选题】 培养学生良好品德的心理学技术包括?
①  说服
②  角色扮演
③  榜样学习
④  奖励与惩罚
【多选题】 下列项目中叙述正确的是?
①  复述便是死记硬背
②  做笔记、列提纲是一种认知策略
③  不同学科所要求的学习策略可能会不同
④  心境可以影响记忆效果