【单选题】 The ( ) of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.
①  merit
②  advantage
③  virtue
④  downside
【单选题】 His explanation is not at all clear. I find it ____.
①  essential
②  confusing
③  awful
④  puzzled
【单选题】 It was clear that much of what he said was far ____ the truth.
①  for
②  from
③  at
④  to
【单选题】 So clear was his _____ of the case that others had no more to say.
①  attitude
②  presentation
③  comment
④  remark
【单选题】 Why do novice teacher often have problems giving clear instructions?
①  Their language proficiency is low
②  They are fresh from the university
③  Their instructions are too short
④  They are not able to target their instructions to the level of the learners.
【单选题】 Flash中Clear(清除)的快捷键是什么
①  Ctrl+V
②  Ctrl+D
③  Delete
④  Ctrl+Shift+V
【单选题】 Suddenly,?high above the jubilant roar?and?thunder?of?the?( ),?broke the?clear peal?of?a?bugle-note.
①  review
②  revel
③  reveal
④  revert
【单选题】 To make this ____ clear we shall have to look closely into biology’s long history.
①  distinction
②  indication
③  recognition
④  constitution
【单选题】 A well written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【单选题】 按照账户的经济内容分类,“原材料”账户属于( )。
①  流动资产账户
②  非流动资产账户
③  盘存类账户
④  成本计算类账户
【单选题】 基本生产车间为生产某种产品发生的直接费用,应记入( )账户。
①  生产成本
②  制造费用
③  销售费用
④  管理费用
【单选题】 下列不能作为记账凭证的附件是(??? )。
①  收料单
②  购销产品合同
③  发料单
④  产品销售发票
【单选题】 下列项目中,属于制造费用性质的是( )。
①  物资采购中发生的运杂费
②  职工探亲旅费
③  车间照明用电费
④  产品广告宣传费
【单选题】 下列关于会计凭证的表述,错误的是( )。
①  会计凭证是登记账簿的依据
②  会计凭证按照填制程序和用途可分为原始凭证和记账凭证
③  原始凭证作用是记录经济业务的发生过程和具体内容
④  记账凭证又称为单据
【单选题】 购买原材料取得的增值税专用发票属于( )。
①  自制原始凭证
②  外来原始凭证
③  收款凭证
④  付款凭证
【单选题】 企业在生产经营过程中发生的短期借款利息支出应计入( )。
①  财务费用
②  管理费用
③  在建工程
④  生产成本
【单选题】 下列内容中属于其他业务收入的是( )。
①  存款利息收入
②  出售材料收入
③  委托代销商品收入
④  清理固定资产净收益
【单选题】 下列费用中,不构成产品成本,而应直接计入当期损益的是( )。
①  直接材料费
②  直接人工费
③  期间费用
④  制造费用
【单选题】 企业发生的业务招待费应( )
①  分期记入损益
②  直接记入生产成本
③  直接记入制造费用
④  直接记入当期损益