【单选题】 Idon’tknowthepark,butit’s______tobequitebeautiful.
①  said
②  told
③  spoken
④  talked
【单选题】 I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.
①  chance
②  heart
③  sight
④  experience
【单选题】 They talked in whispers, but still, I couldn’t help but __________ their conversation.
①  overhear
②  to overhear
③  overhearing
④  overheard
【单选题】 A ____ language is one which is still spoken by people in the course of their everyday lives.
①  living
②  live
③  lovely
④  alive
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 3.This little girl began to show the sign of ______ her brother in spoken English.
①  better
②  surpassing
③  exceeding
④  beyond
【单选题】 It was said that his father _________ .
①  has died
②  died
③  has been dead
④  had died
【多选题】 They told us that the company_______________ the law.
①  obey
②  obeyed
③  dont break
④  didnt break
【单选题】 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.
①  rises
②  rose
③  raises
④  raised
【单选题】 This is the boy ___________ I told you yesterday.
①  which
②  whom
【单选题】 在通风管道中能防止烟气扩散的设施是( )。
①  防火卷帘
②  防火阀
③  排烟阀
④  空气幕
【单选题】 试问在下述有关冷却塔的记述中,( )是正确的?
①  是设在屋顶上,用以贮存冷却水的罐
②  净化被污染的空气和脱臭的装置
③  将冷冻机的冷却水所带来的热量向空中散发的装置
④  使用冷媒以冷却空气的装置
【单选题】 热水采暖自然循环中,通过( )可排出系统的空气。
①  膨胀水箱
②  集气罐
③  自动排气阀
④  手动排气阀
【单选题】 异程式采暖系统的优点在于( )。
①  易于平衡
②  节省管材
③  易于调节
④  防止近热远冷现象
【单选题】 锅炉间外墙的开窗面积应满足( )。
①  采光、通风要求
②  采光、通风、泄压要求
③  通风、泄压要求
④  采光、泄压要求
【单选题】 中央空调系统中无需用冷却塔来冷却冷媒机组的是( )。
①  直燃机
②  水冷离心机
③  风冷活塞机
④  水冷螺杆机
【单选题】 压缩式制冷机由下列哪组设备组成( )
①  压缩机、蒸发器、冷却泵、膨胀阀
②  压缩机、冷凝器、冷却塔 膨胀阀
③  冷凝器、蒸发器、冷冻泵 膨胀阀
④  压缩机、冷凝器、蒸发器 膨胀阀
【单选题】 在排烟支管上要求设置的排烟防火阀起什么作用? ( )
①  烟气温度超过280℃自动关闭
②  烟气温度达70℃自动开启
③  与风机联锁,当烟温达280℃时关闭风机
④  与风机联锁,当烟温达70℃时启动风机
【单选题】 以下这些附件中,( )不用于蒸气供热系统。
①  减压阀
②  安全阀
③  膨胀水箱
④  疏水器
【单选题】 解决室外热网水力不平衡的最有效方法是:在各建筑物进口处的供热总管上装设( )。
①  节流孔板
②  平衡阀
③  截止阀
④  电磁阀