【单选题】 打赢脱贫攻坚战,只是消除了绝对贫困,()将是长期任务,我们要认识到一些长期存在的问题,逐步分阶段解决。
①  扶贫减贫
②  走向全面小康
③  缓解相对贫困
④  迈向共同富裕
【判断题】 本讲提到,对外开放、大量引进外资,运用国际资本解决了我国劳动力就业的一些问题。。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 现实中,一些干部常把群众(  )现象挂在嘴边,认为群众贫困的主要原因在群众自身,这实质是忽视了全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨的体现。
【判断题】 在社会转型的加速期,民族地区迫切需要解决一些民生问题。其中,就业、教育、社会保障、医疗卫生、收入分配等是广大人民群众最关心、最现实、最直接的利益问题。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 一国经济要行稳致远,最关键是要依靠创新增强发展内生动力。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我们持之以恒正风肃纪,以钉钉子精神纠治“四风”,反对特权思想和特权现象,坚决整治群众身边的不正之风和腐败问题,刹住了一些长期没有刹住的歪风,纠治了一些多年未除的顽瘴痼疾。()。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 经济转型的难点问题靠( )解决。
①  A.靠分配
②  B.靠改革
③  C.靠发展
④  D.靠调节
【判断题】 对于校车安全管理,最终要解决校车问题,关键还得靠政府介入
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 一些地方和部门选人用人()和奢靡之风盛行,特权思想和特权现象较为普遍存在。
①  A.风气不正
②  B.形式主义
③  C.官僚主义
④  D.享乐主义
【单选题】 以下那部宪法指导思想存在着严重错误()
①  1954年宪法
②  1965年宪法
③  1975年宪法
④  1982年宪法
【单选题】 No one thought that John’s suggestion was worth ____.?
①  ?to consider ?
②  considering ?
③  to be considered ?
④  of consideration?
【单选题】 We must ____ that our customs and habits are different from theirs.
①  keep up with
②  bring forward
③  keep in mind
④  come true
【单选题】 20. Only when he had handed in his exam paper ____ he had made several mistakes.
①  he has realized
②  does he realize
③  has he realized
④  did he realize
【单选题】 People’s hearts ____ the children whose parents died in the accident.
①  went out for
②  went out with
③  went out to
④  went out of
【单选题】 A sudden idea ____ to him that he might try the new method.
①  occurred
②  happened
③  took place
④  took part
【单选题】 We often get ____ when people cut in line.
①  annoying
②  annoyed
③  to annoy
④  annoy
【单选题】 “Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ____ thank you all the same.”
①  and
②  so
③  but
④  or
【单选题】 A guest arrived ____ I was doing my housework.
①  during
②  although
③  as though
④  while
【单选题】 —OK, $ 500, but that is my last offer. —____.?
①  Good idea! ?
②  What did you say??
③  Oh, its up to you. ?
④  OK. Its a deal.?
【判断题】 空间曲线的挠率决定曲线的弯曲程度.
①  正确
②  错误