【单选题】 下列选项中,属于家庭美德要求的是(  )。
①  邻里团结
②  保护环境
③  爱岗敬业
④  遵纪守法
【单选题】 下列选项中,属于家庭美德基本要求的是( )。
①  爱护公物
②  遵纪守法
③  邻里团结
④  服务群众
【单选题】 下列选项中,属于家庭美德基本要求的是()
①  奉献社会
②  办事公道
③  服务群众
④  男女平等
【判断题】 《中华人民共和国民法典》规定,家庭应当树立优良家风,弘扬家庭美德,重视家庭文明建设。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德建设,最终都要落实到个人品德的养成上。个人品德是( )。
①  个人性格中先天固有的道德因素
②  社会上实际存在着的道德关系、道德原则规范
③  个人在一两次道德行为中偶尔表现出来的内心状态、心理特征
④  个人依据一定的道德原则规范行动时表现出来的稳固的倾向和特征
【单选题】 社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德建设,最终都要落实到个人品德的养成上。个人品德是( )
①  个人性格中先天固有的道德因素
②  社会上实际存在着的道德关系、道德原则规范
③  个人在一两次道德行为中偶尔表现出来的内心状态、心理特征
④  个人依据一定的道德原则规范行动时表现出来的稳固的倾向和特征
【判断题】 家庭生活方式是指人们在家庭中的各种生活活动的典型形式。家庭生活方式,包括家庭生活观念、家庭生活观念和家庭生活条件三个基本要素
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 师德规范体系是由社会公德、家庭美德、职业道德三部分组成的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 婚姻家庭编在一般规定中增设了“树立优良家风、弘扬家庭美德、重视家庭文明建设”的规定,强化社会主义核心价值观在婚姻家庭中的()作用。
①  服务大局
②  战略引领
③  引领导向
④  价值驱动
【单选题】 婚姻家庭编在一般规定中增设了“树立优良家风、弘扬家庭美德、重视家庭文明建设”的规定,强化社会主义核心价值观在婚姻家庭中的()作用。。
①  引领导向
②  服务大局
③  价值驱动
④  战略引领
【单选题】 He has left his book here on___, so that you can read it.
①  purpose
②  intention
③  aim
④  meaning
【单选题】 If I ___ it, I would do it in a different way.
①  were to do
②  do
③  had done
④  was to do
【单选题】 If he ___ he ___ that food.
①  was warned; would not take
②  had been warned; would not have taken
③  would be warned; had not taken
④  would have been warned; had not taken
【单选题】 Information has been put forward ___ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.
①  while
②  that
③  when
④  as
【单选题】 This is ___ the Shenzhou V Spaceship landed.
①  there
②  in which
③  where
④  when
【单选题】 The order came ___ the soldiers ___ the small village the next morning.
①  that; had to leave
②  that; should leave
③  /; must leave
④  when; should leave
【单选题】 The question came up at the meeting ___ we had enough money for our research.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  if
【判断题】 I have waited for two weeks impatiently and finally the order was cancelled.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ___ is no possibility ___ Bob can win the first prize in the match.
①  There; that
②  It; that
③  There; whether
④  It; whether
【单选题】 Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, ___ at the other store.
①  anyone
②  the others
③  that
④  the ones