【单选题】 假定一个单元格的地址为$D$25,则此地址的表示方式是( )。
①  相对地址
②  绝对地址
③  混合地址
④  三维地址
【单选题】 在Excel中,假定一个单元格的地址为$D25,则该单元格的行地址是 ( )。
①  D
②  25
③  30
④  45
【单选题】 绝对地址在被复制或移动到其他单元格时,其单元格地址( )。
①  不会改变
②  部分改变
③  发生改变
④  不能复制
【单选题】 绝对地址在被复制或移动到其他单元格时,其单元格地址( )。
①  不会改变
②  部分改变
③  发生改变
④  不能复制
【单选题】 在Excel中,绝对地址在被复制或移动到其他单元格时,其单元格地址( )。
①  不会改变
②  部分改变
③  发生改变
④  不能复制
【判断题】 存储管理中的地址重定位就是把程序与数据的相对地址变成内存的绝对地址。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 如下正确表示Excel工作表单元绝对地址的是( )。
①  C125
②  $B$5
③  $DI36
④  $F$E$7
【单选题】 如下正确表示Excel工作表单元绝对地址的是( )。
①  C125
②  $BB$59
③  $DI36
④  $F$E$7
【单选题】 如下正确表示Excel工作表单元绝对地址的是( )。
①  C125
②  $BB$59
③  $DI36
④  $F$E$7
【单选题】 在Excel 2010中,若在公式中使用的单元格地址为A2,则称此地址表示为( )。
①  相对引用
②  混合引用
③  绝对引用
④  一维引用
【单选题】 We feel it is high time that the Government ____ something to check the inflation.
①  did
②  do
③  should do
④  would do
【单选题】 She was teaching me ____ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.
①  the way
②  in the way
③  a way
④  to the way
【单选题】 You should have put the milk into the icebox, I expect it ____ undrinkable.
①  became
②  had become
③  has become
④  becomes
【单选题】 The students expected there ____ more reviewing classes before the final exams.
①  is
②  being
③  have been
④  to be
【单选题】 You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of your spectacles need changing.
①  lenses
②  glasses
③  sights
④  crystals
【单选题】 As the train will not leave until one hour later, we ____ grab a bite at the snack bar.
①  may well
②  just as well
③  might as well
④  as well
【单选题】 ____ money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy.
①  Concerning
②  As to
③  In terms of
④  In the light of
【单选题】 She always put her medication on the top of the shelf lest the children ____ it by mistake.
①  took
②  should take
③  had taken
④  would take
【单选题】 Evidence came up ____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  whose
【单选题】 There will be a new building here next year, _____ ?
①  will it
②  will there
③  be there
④  won’ t there