【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 This book is ________ that one. But __________ than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective
【单选题】 3.This book is ____that one, but ____than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 Modesty helps one to go forward, ______ conceit makes one lag behind.
①  whenever
②  only if
③  whereas
④  consequently
【单选题】 This movie is ________ that one.
①  as more interesting as
②  as interesting as
③  too interesting to
【单选题】 This box is ______ that one.
①  heavy than
②  so heavy than
③  heavier as
④  as heavy as
【单选题】 This box is ________ that one.
①  heavy than
②  so heavy than
③  heavier as
④  as heavy as
【单选题】 Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that ____one year of college.
①  improves
②  subsidizes
③  obliges
④  inflicts
【判断题】 四种沟通类型包括:讨好型、责备型、超理智型、打岔型。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 家庭成员之间的互动不是单线的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 自我概念与现实经验有两种关系:第一、自我概念和现实经验的一致;第二、自我概念与现实经验的不一致。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 绝对化是一种有害的家庭规则。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 理性情绪治疗模式认为,“一个人应该关心他人的问题,应该为他人的问题悲伤难过”,这种信念是非理性的,是错误的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 案工作者只是支持者、咨询者、观察者、朋友。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 人本治疗模式中,个案工作者的首要任务在于创造一种和谐的治疗气氛,以利于促进案主的自我成长。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 由祖父母和孙代组成的家庭是( )。
①  隔代家庭
②  核心家庭
③  主干家庭
④  联合家庭
【单选题】 家庭社会工作起源于( )。
①  日本
②  德国
③  中国
④  美国
【单选题】 家庭结构图是社会工作者在家庭评估中经常运用的重要工具,它用图形方式来显示家庭的内在结构、家庭成员之间的关系、以及( )。
①  家庭内部的压力
②  家庭内部的资源
③  家庭的重大事件
④  家庭与环境的界限