【单选题】 This book is ______ that one, but ______ than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 This book is ________ that one. But __________ than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective
【单选题】 3.This book is ____that one, but ____than that one.
①  as difficult as; expensive
②  as more difficult as; more expensive
③  as difficult as; more expensive
④  more difficult as; as expensive
【单选题】 This book is_____that one. But______than that one.
①  as difficult as ;expensive
②  as more difficult as ; more expensive
③  as difficult as ; more expensive
④  more difficult as ; as expensive
【单选题】 Modesty helps one to go forward, ______ conceit makes one lag behind.
①  whenever
②  only if
③  whereas
④  consequently
【单选题】 This movie is ________ that one.
①  as more interesting as
②  as interesting as
③  too interesting to
【单选题】 This box is ______ that one.
①  heavy than
②  so heavy than
③  heavier as
④  as heavy as
【单选题】 This box is ________ that one.
①  heavy than
②  so heavy than
③  heavier as
④  as heavy as
【单选题】 Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that ____one year of college.
①  improves
②  subsidizes
③  obliges
④  inflicts
【简答题】 什么是伪指令?
【简答题】 设(70H)=60H,(60H)=20H,P1为输入口,状态为0B7H,执行如下程序:MOV R0,#70H MOV A,@R0 MOV R1,A MOV B,@R1 MOV @R0,P1 。问R0、A、R1、B和70H中的数据是多少?
【简答题】 51单片机有7种寻址方式,即[填空1]、[填空2]、寄存器寻址、[填空3]、变址寻址、相对寻址、位寻址
【简答题】 单片机指令系统按功能可以分为[填空1]、算术运算类、逻辑运算及移位类、[填空2]和位操作类指令
【简答题】 有一个打包机,每50个打为一包,采用计数器方式2计数时,计数器的初值是多少?
【简答题】 MCS-51内部有几个通用定时器?有几种工作方式?
【简答题】 简述MCS-51的中断响应过程
【简答题】 MCS-51单片机的T1用作计数方式,工作方式1时,则工作方式控制字为TMOD=[填空1]。
【简答题】 8051有两个16位可编程定时/计数器,T0和T1。它们的定时的时间或计数的次数与[填空1]和[填空2]两个寄存器的初值有关。
【简答题】 MCS-51单片机内部RAM功能结构如何分配?位寻址区域的字节地址范围是多少?