【单选题】 I am _____hungry. Give me _______of milk.
①  a bit;a little
②  not a little;a bit
③  little;a bit
④  D. not a little; a little
【单选题】 I am hungry. So [填空] he.
①  does
②  is
③  do
④  did
【单选题】 He____________ cold and hunger a great deal.
①  escaped from
②  suffered from
③  kept away from
④  came from
【单选题】 Hunger could be his only for killing a living thing.
①  sensation
②  cause
③  reason
④  motive
【单选题】 The man was forced to steal a loaf of bread who was hungry. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  The
②  a loaf of
③  who was hungry
【单选题】 But for the party, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 11.The United Nations managed to ______millions of people from hunger last year.
①  preserve
②  sell
③  save
④  . buy
【单选题】 But for the immediate help from his neibour, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”If you have been in the department store such long that you feel hungry, you will not need to leave the building.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 CVP可以通过哪种导管监测()
①  锁骨下静脉导管
②  颈内静脉导管
③  股静脉导管
④  漂浮导管
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 CVP监测的目的是()
①  监测血压
②  循环血容量
③  心输出量
④  肺动脉压
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 CVP监测0点位置()
①  病人30度半卧位时腋中线水平
②  病人15度半卧位时腋中线水平
③  病人45度半卧位时腋中线水平
④  病人平卧位时腋中线水平
⑤  病人直立时腋中线水平
【单选题】 气管切开术的适应证为()
①  喉阻塞
②  下呼吸道分泌物潴留
③  预防性气管切开
④  颈部外伤者
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 气管切开术术后床边设备包括()
①  氧气
②  吸引器
③  气管切开器械
④  另一付同号气管套管
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 气管切开术的手术并发症是()
①  出血
②  心跳呼吸停止
③  气胸和纵隔气肿
④  皮下气肿
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 环甲膜切开术后的插管时间()
①  一般不应超过24小时
②  一般不应超过4小时
③  一般不应超过6小时
④  一般不应超过8小时
⑤  一般不应超过12小时
【单选题】 气管切开术的方法包括()
①  气管切开术
②  经皮气管切开术
③  环甲膜切开术
④  微创气管切开术
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 气胸抽气减压时穿刺位置应在积气最多处,一般选取患侧()
①  锁中线第2肋间或腋前线第3肋间或腋中线4~5肋间
②  锁中线第4肋间或腋前线第3肋间或腋中线4~5肋间
③  锁中线第5肋间或腋前线第3肋间或腋中线4~5肋间
④  锁中线第2肋间或腋前线第4肋间或腋中线4~5肋间
⑤  锁中线第2肋间或腋前线第5肋间或腋中线4~5肋间
【单选题】 诊断性胸腔穿刺抽液不应过多、过快,一次抽液量为()
①  10~20ml
②  50~100ml
③  150~200ml
④  200~300ml
⑤  500ml