为方便顾客夏天及时洗衣服,海尔集团推出了“小小神童”洗衣机,这种做法是(  )。
【单选题】 洗衣机从双缸发展为全自动产品,这属于
①  全新产品
②  换代产品
③  改进产品
④  新牌子产品
【单选题】 洗衣机从双缸发展为全自动产品,这属于( )。
①  全新产品
②  换代产品
③  改进产品
④  新牌子产品
【单选题】 渠道中代理的洗衣机从双缸发展为全自动产品,这属于( )。
①  全新产品
②  换代产品
③  改进产品
④  新牌子产品
【单选题】 洗衣机行业市场竞争较为激烈,消费者需求日益多样化,企业此时适宜使用的目标市场战略是()
①  差异性市场营销
②  无差异市场营销
③  集中性市场营销
④  大量市场营销
【单选题】 洗衣机就是典型的()。
①  开环控制系统
②  闭环控制系统
【简答题】 某企业采取以旧换新方式零售洗衣机200台,旧洗衣机收购价200元/台,新洗衣机出售实际收款1800元/台,销项税额为多少?
【单选题】 洗衣机的工作流程由进水、洗衣、脱水3个进程组成。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 洗衣机的进水、正转、反转、排水和脱水为()。
①  输出信号
②  输入信号
【单选题】 “振华”电器工业公司根据其自行设计的图纸,生产“飞浪”牌洗衣机。该洗衣机拥有外观设计专利。不属于工业产权保护的是?
①  “振华”厂商名称
②  “飞浪”商标
③  外观设计专利
④  图形作品
【单选题】 我国洗衣机行业正处于成熟期,生产厂家可以采取(  )。
①  集中决策
②  收缩决策
③  快速掠取决策
④  产品改良决策
【单选题】 I _____him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
①  ought to have sent
②  couldn’t have sent
③  must have sent
④  needn’t have sent
【单选题】 My friend and adviser _____ to lend me his money.
①  have agreed
②  has agreed
③  agreed
④  are agreed
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split
【单选题】 In today’s newspaper, it _____ that there will be a new election tomorrow.
①  tells
②  states
③  writes
④  records
【单选题】 _____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
①  Unpopular has as white been
②  White has been as unpopular
③  Unpopular has been as white
④  Unpopular as white has been
【单选题】 My grandfather accidentally _____ fire to the house.
①  put
②  took
③  set
④  got
【单选题】 I’d rather you _____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow.
①  went
②  should go
③  will go
④  go
【单选题】 We enjoyed the holiday _____the expense.
①  except
②  besides
③  in addition to
④  except for
【单选题】 Sometimes a bus _____gets on the bus to check the tickets.
①  agent
②  officer
③  conductor
④  inspector
【单选题】 It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and _____your wife and children.
①  take it out on
②  take out it on
③  take out on
④  take on it with