【判断题】 基本金融工具一般在交易时日进行确认并按现时成本计量。(第7章知识点3金融工具的定义和基本金融工具)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 初始确认后,应以摊余成本(历史成本)计量除为交易目的而持有的金融负债及属于负债的衍生工具以外的其他所有金融负债。(第7章知识点9在表内确认衍生金融工具交易的第三关)
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 金融期货即以金融工具为商品的期货,它是相对于( )的一个范畴
①  外汇期货
②  商品期货
③  利率期货
④  股票期货
【判断题】 市场是商品经济的产物(第1章知识点1会计的国际传承)
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 混合合同不属于金融资产的,企业应当从混合合同中分拆嵌入衍生工具,将其作为单独存在的衍生工具处理。(  )
【判断题】 远期利率协议是防范将来利率波动风险而预先固定远期利率的金融工具。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 各种类型的金融衍生工具业务都必须通过“衍生工具”账户是核算。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 一般而言,按照基础工具种类的不同,金融衍生工具可以分为( )。
①  股权式衍生工具
②  债权式衍生工具
③  货币衍生工具
④  利率衍生工具
⑤  汇率衍生工具
【单选题】 期货合约与现货合同、现货远期合约的最本质区别是?
①  期货价格的超前性
②  占用资金的不同
③  收益的不同
④  期货合约条款的标准化
【判断题】 依照金融工具的存续期限可以把金融市场分为期货和期权市场。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A ____ person is one who is easily hurt or offended by things that people do or say.
①  sensitive
②  sensible
③  smar
④  wise
【单选题】 Don’ t forget to put the book back on the shelf, _____?
①  do you
②  don’ t you
③  will you
④  won’ t you
【单选题】 Beth could ____ her coat because it had large red buttons.
①  recognize
②  prove
③  define
④  claim
【单选题】 By no means_____ to our plan for the trip.
①  will she agree
②  she will agree
③  agrees she
④  will agree she
【单选题】 His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but_____.
①  a little did he hear
②  little did he hear
③  little heard he
④  a little heard he
【单选题】 In this book the writer gives us a(n)____ picture of social history.
①  precise
②  exact
③  accurate
④  correct
【单选题】 Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ____ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.
①  maximum
②  minority
③  majority
④  minimum
【单选题】 China is ____ in natural resources.
①  excessive
②  adequate
③  rich
④  enough
【单选题】 Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a ____ if approached with enthusiasm.
①  prize
②  reward
③  refund
④  bonus
【单选题】 When Ann broke the dish she tried to put the ____ back together.
①  fragments
②  pieces
③  bits
④  slices