【单选题】 某汽车维修厂自从使用原厂配套的维修配件以后使得维修质量大为提高,这时我们认为影响维修质量的主要因素是维修()
①  人员
②  设备
③  材料
④  方法
【单选题】 ( )是根据装配系统图进行的,按照低级分组件到高级分组件的次序,直至产品总装配。
①  AB 都不正确
②  装配工序的划分
③  装配工艺的划分
【多选题】 根据GB/T16739-2004《汽车维修企业开业条件》,汽车整车维修企业分为()
①  一类汽车整车维修企业
②  二类汽车整车维修企业
③  三类汽车整车维修企业
④  四类汽车整车维修企业
【判断题】 特约汽车维修站一般都能达到二类或一类汽车维修企业标准。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 既然状态维修比以往的维修体质更经济、更准确,所以设备都应改用这种维修方式。( )
【单选题】 维修任务是指维修人员应能保证正确地使用维修工具,执行维修工艺,准确地评价维修计划执行的效果。( )
【单选题】 汽车的维修工作应本着()为主、()检查、()维护和()修理的维修原则
①  定期、强制、视情、预防
②  预防、强制、定期、视情
③  预防、定期、强制、视情
④  视情、强制、定期、预防
【单选题】 ( )是由预防维修、预测维修和主动维修有机组合而成的。
①  主动维修
②  可靠性维修
③  预防维修
【判断题】 预防维修和维修预防是同一种设备维修体制。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 在同一连锁汽车维修系统内,采用()。
①  相同的店面设计
②  统一服务标识
③  统一服务标准
④  可以不统一的服务价格
【单选题】 The apple_____ very sweet.
①  is tasted
②  taste
③  tastes
④  are tasting
【单选题】 The poet has____ fame all his life, but has never experienced it.
①  pursued
②  followed
③  chased
④  traced
【单选题】 Although ____ Spanish, he attended the course.
①  he was knowing
②  he is knowing
③  having a knowledge of
④  knows
【单选题】 The board deemed it’s urgent that these files ____ right away.
①  had to be printed
②  should have been printed
③  must be printed
④  should be printed
【单选题】 Our civilization cannot be thought of as ____ in a short period of time.
①  to have been created
②  to be created
③  having been created
④  being created
【单选题】 Here is some ____ advice to any young businessman.
①  variable
②  worthwhile
③  worthy
④  value
【单选题】 You must have stayed up late last night, _____?
①  mustn’ t you
②  don’ t you
③  didn’ t you
④  needn’ t you
【单选题】 Mr. Milton prefers to resign ____ part in such dishonest business deals.
①  than take
②  than to take
③  rather than take
④  rather than to take
【单选题】 We went on a(n) ____ to the mountain yesterday.
①  excursion
②  trip
③  tour
④  travel
【单选题】 If your new coat is too large, a tailor can____ it to fit you.
①  alter
②  transform
③  vary
④  change