【单选题】 当霍尔式传感器触发叶轮的叶片进入气隙时,信号发生器输出的信号电压为:
①  高电平
②  低电平
【单选题】 霍尔效应传感器信号时频率调制信号,其波形是(),所以可用直流电压档检测平均电压,以判别霍尔传感器有无信号输出。
①  正弦波信号
②  递增信号波
③  方波信号
④  锯齿波信号
【单选题】 发动机转动时,霍尔式传感器输出信号的电压应为( )
①  5V
②  0V
③  0-5V之间
④  4V
【单选题】 发动机转动时,检查霍尔传感器输出信号的电压应为( )
①  5V
②  0V
③  0~5之间
④  4V
【多选题】 霍尔传感器正常工作时,与其输出电压相关的参数有()。
①  A.霍尔元件所处磁场强度
②  B.霍尔元件所通电流
③  C.尔元件温度
④  D.霍尔元件方位
【单选题】 霍尔式车轮转速传感器根据霍尔效应原理来测量车轮转速,当齿轮与霍尔元件的位置如下图,和之前状态相比,霍尔元件的输出的电压是()。
①  变小
②  不变
③  变大
④  不确定
【判断题】 某一霍尔曲轴位置传感器有2根接线,分别为接地与信号线
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在检查节气门位置传感器时,用手轻拍传感器,其输出信号电压应发生变化。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在一般电子点火系中,霍尔式信号转子输出的是()
①  直流电压
②  交流电压
③  整形后的直流电压
④  整形后的脉冲电压
【判断题】 信号源按输出波形分为正弦信号发生器和非正弦信号发生器。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 25. A pilot should be responsible ____ the safety of all the passengers on board.
①  against
②  for
③  at
④  with
【单选题】 After ten years, all these youngsters became____.
①  grown-up
②  grown-ups
③  growns-ups
④  growns-up
【单选题】 We’ll go out as soon as I’ve ____ the kitchen.
①  sent for
②  cleaned up
③  done with
④  worked out
【单选题】 “I haven’t read ____ of the last four chapters, so I know little about them.”
①  something
②  some
③  any
④  anything
【单选题】 By the end of next month he ____ everything in school.
①  will finish
②  will have finished
③  finishes
④  would finished
【单选题】 Even great musicians require ____ practice.
①  convenient
②  continual
③  continuous
④  contrary
【单选题】 Wealthy ____ he was, the governor would not spend a penny on such things.
①  as
②  if
③  though
④  however
【单选题】 —Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.—Host: ____.
①  OK. Please walk slowly and take care.
②  Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay?
③  Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately?
④  Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee?
【单选题】 Youhavetopaytohavethebooksprinted, ____ canbequiteexpensive.
①  which
②  it C. that D. this
③  that
④  this
【单选题】 Early to bed and early to rise ____ a man healthy, wealthy and wise. ?
①  make ?
②  had made ?
③  makes ?
④  will make?