【单选题】 在房地产经济宏观调控中,最主要的手段是()。
①  财政政策、投资政策
②  货币政策、财政政策
③  投资政策、法律手段
④  法律手段、财政政策
【单选题】 下列不属于房地产宏观调控货币政策工具的是()
①  税率
②  利率
③  法定存款准备金率
④  贴现率
【多选题】 财政政策和货币政策的相同点在哪里?()
①  A 都是国家制定的
②  B 都与银行有关
③  C 都是经济政策
④  D 都属于宏观调控的重要手段
【单选题】 (  )是财政政策的主要手段。
①  国家预算
②  税收
③  财政补贴
④  国债
【多选题】 为了治理通货膨胀,应该采用紧缩性的财政政策和货币政策,其主要手段有( )。
①  提高法定存款准备率
②  降低再贴现率
③  减少税收
④  削减财政支出
⑤  中央银行通过公开市场出售有价证券
【判断题】 为了摆脱经济衰退,财政政策比货币政策更加有效。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 财政政策和货币政策及其不同的政策手段如何进行搭配,并没有一个固定不变的模式,是一个政策运用技巧问题。为了减少调控中可能产生的矛盾,政府必须采用不同的政策配合方式,主要有( )。
①  双扩张政策
②  双紧缩政策
③  扩张的财政政策,紧缩的货币政策
④  紧缩的财政政策,扩张的货币政策
⑤  难以判断
【判断题】 为了更好地发挥宏观调控的效果,财政政策和货币政策可以采用“双松”、“双紧”和“一松一紧”的搭配使用方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列不属于影响房地产经济宏观调控效应的因素是()
①  调控政策的正确性
②  宏观调控的时滞
③  地区差异
④  宏观政策的制定者
【单选题】 宏观调控是国家运用宏观经济政策对经济运行进行的调节和干预,其中金融宏观调控的核心是( )。
①  利率政策
②  货币政策
③  财政政策
④  贴现政策
【单选题】 The problem is () it may take time for new facts to become available.
①  that
②  how
③  what
④  if
【单选题】 Mr. Clinton, together with his wife and children, _______ going to the park next weekend.
①  is
②  has
③  are
④  was
【单选题】 Since evidence of the fraud came to light, Congress has been demanding a ______ investigation.
①  horrible
②  thorough
③  thoughtful
④  weird
【单选题】 If it were not for the fact that he was a millionaire, she ____ him.
①  might never marry
②  will never marry
③  would never have married
④  would never marry
【单选题】 On his next birthday he () married for ten years.
①  has been
②  will be
③  will have been
④  would have been
【单选题】 Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?____________
①  Oh, fantastic! Fresh air, and sunshine every day.
②  Come on, I’ve got lots of fun.
③  By the way, I don’t like Saturdays.
④  Well, I’ll look forward to your phone call.
【单选题】 In Britain people drive _____the left.
①  at
②  on
③  to
④  in
【单选题】 What()next will be discussed at the next meeting.
①  to do
②  is doing
③  will do
④  shall we do
【单选题】 _______ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.
①  Dislike
②  Liking
③  Alike
④  Unlike
【单选题】 How do you do? Glad to meet you._________
①  Fine. How are you?
②  How do you do? Glad to meet you, too.
③  How are you? Thank you!
④  Nice. How are you?