【单选题】 预算定额中人工工日消耗量应包括______。
①  基本用工
②  基本用工和其他用工两部分
③  基本用工、辅助用工和人工幅度差三部分
④  基本用工、其他用工和人工幅度差三部分
【多选题】 预算定额中人工工日消耗量包括______。
①  基本用工
②  辅助用工
③  超运距用工
④  人工幅度差
⑤  临时用工
【单选题】 预算定额人工工日消耗量计算时,已知完成单位合格产品基本用工为22工日,超运距用工为4工日,辅助用工为2工日,人工幅度差系数12%, 则预算定额中人工工日消耗量为( )工日
①  3.36
②  25.36
③  28
④  31.36
【单选题】 编制预算定额人工消耗量,已知必须消耗技术工种用工30工日,超运距用工2工日,辅助用工3工日,人工幅度差率10%,则预算定额人工消耗量( )工日
①  30
②  23.5
③  38.5
④  27.3
【单选题】 预算人工定额消耗量中的人工幅度差是指______。
①  预算定额消耗量与概算定额消耗量的差额
②  预算定额消耗量自身的误差
③  预算人工定额必须消耗量与净耗量的差额
④  预算定额消耗量与施工劳动定额消耗量的差额
【单选题】 预算定额人工幅度差主要是指()。
①  A.预算定额人工工日消耗量与施工劳动定额消耗量之差
②  B.预算定额人工工日消耗量与概算定额消耗量之差
③  C.预算定额人工工日消耗量测定带来的误差
④  D.预算定额人工工日消耗量与其净耗量之差
【单选题】 某砖混结构墙体砌筑工程,完成10m3砌体基本用工为工日13.5工日,辅助用工2.0工日,超运距用工1.5工日,人工幅度差系数为10%,则该砌筑工程预算定额中人工消耗量为()
①  14.85工日/10m3
②  17.52工日/10m3
③  18.7工日/10m3
④  20.35工日/10m3
【单选题】 目前,预算定额的人工幅度差为()。
①  5%
②  10%
③  15%
④  20%
【判断题】 到2030年人工智能总体技术和应用与世界先进水平同步。。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 国家对女职工和未成年工实行( )。
①  特殊社会保障
②  特殊劳动保护
③  特殊劳动保险
④  特殊工资补贴
【单选题】 Sometimes people just say eight-fifteen____ a quarter past eight.
①  out of
②  ahead of
③  because of
④  instead of
【单选题】 Water, when boiled, will____ steam.
①  give away
②  give up
③  give off
④  give out
【单选题】 Be quiet! Its rude to ____ people when they are speaking.
①  interfere
②  introduce
③  interrupt
④  prevent
【单选题】 Train services are now back to ____after last week’s strike.?
①  ordinary ?
②  usual ?
③  normal ?
④  natural?
【单选题】 I thought I knew the way, but ____I got lost.
①  somehow
②  somewhat
③  anyhow
④  anyway
【单选题】 The ____ of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on. ?
①  images ?
②  pictures ?
③  photos ?
④  shadows ?
【单选题】 The British people and the American people not only speak the same language but ____ a lot of special customs as well.
①  share
②  spare
③  hold
④  carry
【单选题】 “Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need___ to read through it.”
①  other three minutes
②  another three minutes
③  three other minutes
④  more three minutes
【单选题】 ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.
①  Hardly had he begun
②  No sooner had he begun
③  Not until began
④  Scarcely did he begin
【单选题】 13. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was always ____; as an adult, though, my room is always neat..
①  tidy
②  orderly
③  mess
④  untidy