【单选题】 编制预算定额人工消耗量,已知必须消耗技术工种用工30工日,超运距用工2工日,辅助用工3工日,人工幅度差率10%,则预算定额人工消耗量( )工日
①  30
②  23.5
③  38.5
④  27.3
【单选题】 预算定额人工工日消耗量计算时,已知完成单位合格产品基本用工为22工日,超运距用工为4工日,辅助用工为2工日,人工幅度差系数12%, 则预算定额中人工工日消耗量为( )工日
①  3.36
②  25.36
③  28
④  31.36
【单选题】 某砖混结构墙体砌筑工程,完成10m3砌体基本用工为工日13.5工日,辅助用工2.0工日,超运距用工1.5工日,人工幅度差系数为10%,则该砌筑工程预算定额中人工消耗量为()
①  14.85工日/10m3
②  17.52工日/10m3
③  18.7工日/10m3
④  20.35工日/10m3
【多选题】 预算定额中人工工日消耗量包括______。
①  基本用工
②  辅助用工
③  超运距用工
④  人工幅度差
⑤  临时用工
【单选题】 预算定额中人工工日消耗量应包括()
①  基本工和人工幅度差
②  辅助工和基本工
③  基本工和其他工
④  基本工、其他工和人工幅度差
【单选题】 预算人工定额消耗量中的人工幅度差是指______。
①  预算定额消耗量与概算定额消耗量的差额
②  预算定额消耗量自身的误差
③  预算人工定额必须消耗量与净耗量的差额
④  预算定额消耗量与施工劳动定额消耗量的差额
【单选题】 预算定额人工幅度差主要是指()。
①  A.预算定额人工工日消耗量与施工劳动定额消耗量之差
②  B.预算定额人工工日消耗量与概算定额消耗量之差
③  C.预算定额人工工日消耗量测定带来的误差
④  D.预算定额人工工日消耗量与其净耗量之差
【简答题】 劳动合同用工是我国的企业基本用工形式。劳务派遣用工是补充形式,只能在[填空]、辅助性或者替代性的工作岗位上实施。
【判断题】 人工单价由基本工资、工资性补贴、辅助工资三部分组成。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用工单位应当严格控制劳务派遣用工数量,不得超过其用工总量的( )
①  5%
②  10%
③  15%
④  20%
【单选题】 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away.
①  get
②  give
③  take
④  gain
【单选题】 Lifelong learning is both formal and non-formal; and the boundaries between face-to-face teaching and ___________ education are increasingly blurred.
①  lifelong
②  formal
③  distance
④  far
【单选题】 I hope you are making ________ for continuous education in your life.
①  room
②  vacancy
③  place
④  like
【单选题】 Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs __________ to anyone in the world.
①  useful
②  available
③  easy
④  careful
【单选题】 Well, that’s to say, every coin has two sides, ________ technology.
①  so is
②  so does
③  so has
④  so did
【单选题】 _________ the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
①  Except for
②  Including
③  Apart from
④  Included
【单选题】 —How long have you been graduated from your college?— .
①  Yes, I’ve been graduated
②  I’ve been graduated for five years
③  I graduated from my college last year
④  I graduat from my college last year
【单选题】 The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn ___________ every day just to stay current in the workplace.
①  something new
②  new something
③  everything
④  anything
【单选题】 I have _________ some courses and software to my Smartphone, and I find they are very interesting and easy to use.
①  uploaded
②  downloaded
③  copied
④  copy
【单选题】 Mr. Wang, _________, is coming up to us.
①  slowly
②  our new teacher
③  he is our new teacher
④  slow