【单选题】 设计V带传动,限制带轮最小直径是为了限制()。
①  小轮包角α
②  带的弯曲应力
③  带的长度
④  以上皆不是
【单选题】 设计V带传动,限制带轮最小直径是为了限制____________。
①  小轮包角α
②  带的弯曲应力
③  带的长度
④  以上皆不是
【单选题】 带传动中传动比较准确的是()
①  平带
②  V带
③  圆带
④  同步带
【单选题】 带传动不能保证准确的传动比,其原因是______。
①  带容易变形和磨损
②  带在带轮上出现打滑
③  带传动工作时发生弹性滑动
④  带的弹性变形不符合虎克定律
【单选题】 带传动不能保证准确的传动比,其原因是()。
①  带在带轮上出现打滑
②  带容易变形和磨损
③  带传动工作时发生弹性滑动
④  带的弹性变形不符合虎克定律
【判断题】 带传动中紧边与小轮相切处,带中应力最大。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 V带截面的楔角应比V带轮的轮槽角小。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 带传动在工作时,假定小带轮为主动轮,则带内应力的最大值发生在带()。
①  离开大带轮处
②  紧边进入小带轮处
③  进入大带轮处
④  离开小带轮处
【单选题】 带传动采用张紧轮的目的是()
①  调节带的初拉力
②  减轻带的弹性滑动
③  提高带的寿命
④  改变带的运动方向
【单选题】 平带传动,是依靠()来传递运动的。
①  主轴的动力
②  带与轮之间的摩擦力
③  主动轮的转矩
④  以上均不是
【单选题】 He did me a ____ turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 The farmer said all their hopes _____ the support of the local government.
①  decided on
②  rested on
③  based on
④  founded on
【单选题】 The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 Once our chickens started laying eggs, we had such a ____ of eggs that we were giving many away to our neighbors.
①  output
②  surplus
③  production
④  plenty
【单选题】 Most importantly, such an experience helps ____ a heightened sensitivity to other cultures and will bring about a greater appreciation of one’s own culture as well.
①  coach
②  forsake
③  foster
④  censor
【单选题】 She didn’ t come to the party last Sunday._____, she must have made the party more exciting.
①  If she came
②  Would she come
③  Had she come Did she come
【单选题】 Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure ____.
①  than more on efficiency
②  and more on efficiency
③  and more efficiency
④  than efficiency
【单选题】 Tom ____ his new job with confidence.
①  set out
②  set off
③  set up
④  set about
【单选题】 In some cases, your instructor may tell you the topics ____ or may give you a choice of topics to write about.
①  in advance
②  ahead of
③  above al
④  right away
【单选题】 Nancy was surprised that they have ____. They seemed to be a happy couple.
①  split up
②  broken down
③  fallen through
④  knocked out