【判断题】 烧结普通砖的规格为240mm×115mm×54mm的直角六面体。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 塑料排水带的宽度为100mm,厚度为5mm,则其当量换算直径(换算系数取1.0)为()。
①  25.2mm;
②  66.8mm;
③  33.4mm;
④  50.4mm;
【单选题】 墙厚240mm,墙下条形基础的宽度为900mm,若台阶宽高比为1:1.25,则刚性基础的高度至少应大于多少mm?
①  250
②  412.5
③  330
④  264
【单选题】 板的受力钢筋间距,当板厚h≤150mm时,不应大于 ( ) 。
①  120mm
②  200mm
③  300mm
④  150mm.
【单选题】 板的受力钢筋间距当板厚h≤150mm时不应大于 ( )。
①  120mm
②  200mm
③  300mm
④  150mm
【单选题】 板的受力钢筋间距当板厚h≤150mm时不应大于 ( )。
①  120mm
②  200mm
③  300mm
④  150mm
【单选题】 板的受力钢筋间距,当板厚h≤150mm时不应大于 ( )。
①  120mm
②  200mm
③  300mm
④  150mm
【单选题】 图上标注的尺寸是100mm,从该图上量得的尺寸值是20mm,则该图的比例是(  )
①  10:2
②  2:10
③  1:5
④  5:1
【判断题】 附着式升降脚手架升降操作时,各相邻提升点间的高差不得大于50mm,整体架最大升降差不得大于100mm。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 如照相机镜头上标有30mm一90mm,则变焦比为
①  30mm
②  60mm
③  90mm
④  3
【单选题】 -We’ve worked for a long time, what about stopping to have a rest? -_____________________.
①  A. I like it.
②  A. You are wonderful.
③  A. That’s a good idea.
④  very good
【单选题】 —The red dress fits me very much, doesn’t it?— .
①  Yes, it does.
②  You looks very beautiful.
③  It is a little tight.
④  wonderful
【单选题】 The news came _____ we won the first prize in the competition.
①  that
②  which
③  whether
④  how
【单选题】 One’s health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard.
①  人的身体健康应该永不牺牲努力工作的需要
②  人永远不该为了努力工作的需要而牺牲身体健康。
③  人的身体健康永远不该为了需要努力工作而被牺牲。
④  人的身体健康该为了需要努力工作而牺牲。
【单选题】 Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep _____.(
①  fitly
②  fitting
③  fit
④  fiitted
【单选题】 — What are your great strengths?— .
①  I am very shy
②  My job offers me high income
③  I am very active in discussion
④  Ok
【单选题】 It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenge of the global ________ economy.
①  technology
②  knowledge
③  examination
④  response
【单选题】 —Would you like to come to our party this weekend?—______.
①  Yes, it was an interesting party
②  No, I’d like to
③  I’m sorry that I won’t be able to attend the party
④  No
【单选题】 — Why do you think the distance education cannot take place of the formal education?— I take this opinion __________ my experience.
①  because
②  because of
③  since
④  that
【单选题】 Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them _________, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered.
①  thinking
②  think a lot
③  to think
④  thought