【单选题】 8086CPU的标志寄存器中,(? ?)标志位用于反映带符号数运算结果是否溢出。
①  IF
②  DF
③  TF
④  OF
【判断题】 两补码相加,采用1位符号位,当最高位有进位时表示结果产生溢出
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 FLAGS称为标志寄存器,其中OF是溢出标志,SF是符号标志,ZF是零标志,CF是进位标志,当SF=0时,表示结果为正数,当ZF=1时,表示结果为0。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 n+1位有符号数x的补码表示范围为()。
①  -2nx2n
②  -2n≤x≤2n-1
③  -2n-1≤x≤2n-1
④  -2nx≤2n
【单选题】 为了便于检查加减运算是否发生溢出,定点运算器采用双符号位的数值表示,在寄存器和主存中是采用()的数值表示
①  双符号位
②  单符号位
③  上述两种方式
④  无符号位
【单选题】 两个补码数相减,在符号位相同时不会产生溢出,符号位不同时()产生溢出
①  有可能
②  没有可能
③  一定会
④  一定不会
【简答题】 若累加器[AL]﹦1000 0000在下列表示中所对应的十进制数值应是: 无符号数:[填空1];带符号数[填空2];BCD码[填空3];
【单选题】 5位二进制无符号数最大能表示的十进制整数是________。
①  64
②  63
③  32
④  31
【单选题】 字长为16位的数可表示有符号数的范围是()。
①  -32767-+32768
②  -32768-+32767
③  0-65535
④  -32768-+32768
【单选题】 两个补码数相加,在符号位相同时有可能产生溢出,符号位不同时()
①  一定不会产生溢出
②  会产生溢出
③  也有可能产生滋出
④  不一定会产生擞出
【单选题】 —Excuse me, do you know _______?—Yes. Next Friday.
①  when will the volunteers come back
②  when the volunteers will come back
③  how will the volunteers come back
④  how the volunteers will come back
【单选题】 More and more children are interested in blind boxes _______ they wonder what is inside.
①  so
②  because
③  unless
④  though
【单选题】 The boy was seen ______ the piano at 9 yesterday evening.
①  to play
②  play
③  playing
④  played
【单选题】 I _______ sleep very well, but then I started doing yoga and it really helps.
①  didn’t use to
②  used to
③  was used to
④  wasn’t used to
【单选题】 The cover of the book _______ comfortable. It’s made of silk.
①  tastes
②  feels
③  looks
④  sounds
【单选题】 _______ smart the driverless car is!
①  What a
②  How a
③  What
④  How
【单选题】 Last month, the little girl _______ well enough by the neighbors while her parents were volunteering.
①  is cared for
②  was cared for
③  will be cared for
④  cares for
【单选题】 ______ a year does your school have sports meeting?Twice a year.
①  How often
②  How soon
③  How long
④  How many times
【单选题】 Don’t worry. We have _______ to finish the work carefully.
①  enough time
②  less time
③  little time
④  few times
【单选题】 ______ either you or I good at drawing?
①  Am
②  Are
③  Is
④  Do