【判断题】 丝杆螺母传动传动平稳,无噪音,传动效率低。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 蜗杆传动一般用于传动大功率、大速比的场合。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 蜗杆传动特点包括( )
①  传动比大,结构紧凑
②  传动平稳,噪声小
③  可以实现自锁
④  以上全部正确
【单选题】 蜗杆传动的主要缺点含有( )
①  效率低
②  传动中摩擦大
③  BCD全部为缺点
④  传动中发热大
【判断题】 轮系传动不可获得很大的传动比。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 圆弧齿圆柱蜗杆传动的蜗杆外形仍然是圆柱形螺杆,但在传动的主平面内,蜗杆齿廓是( )弧形,而蜗轮齿廓是凸圆弧形
①  凹圆
②  长方
③  正方
④  梯形
【单选题】 ( )是一种由封闭在刚性箱体内的齿轮传动或蜗杆传动所组成的、具有固定传动比的独立部件
①  减速器
②  齿轮减速器
③  行星齿轮减速器
④  蜗杆减速器
【单选题】 圆弧面蜗杆传动的蜗杆是将螺旋做在以凹圆弧为母线的回转上,常见的是( )
①  直线齿
②  斜齿轮
③  曲线齿
④  轮齿
【判断题】 连续工作的闭式蜗杆传动需进行热平衡计算,以控制工作温度。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 维持膜状沸腾操作,可获得较大的沸腾传热系数。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Keeping eye contact ______ respect for the interviewer and your confidence.
①  says
②  pays
③  throws
④  shows
【单选题】 Seeing the enemy, the hero was behaving as though nothing______.
①  was happening
②  would happen
③  had happened
④  happened
【单选题】 __Why didn’t John call me ? __Oh, his cell-phone ran out of power, otherwise he______ you.
①  had called
②  would have called
③  called
④  would call
【单选题】 I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I______ the book from which it was made.
①  have read
②  had read
③  should have read
④  are reading
【单选题】 Silveristhebestconductorofelectricity,copper_______itclosely.
①  followed
②  following
③  to follow
④  being followed
【单选题】 But for the party, the old man______of hunger fifteen years ago.
①  must die
②  must have died
③  would die
④  would have died
【单选题】 _____withthesizeofthewholeearth,thehighestmountaindoesnotseemhighatall.
①  When compared
②  Compare
③  While comparing
④  Comparing
【单选题】 Thats pretty good that you get up and go running, but I ______ like running early in the morning since I’ve got to prepare breakfast for my family.
①  have a good time
②  have a hard time
③  have time
④  have much time
【单选题】 It has been raining all day, but even though it______, we______there by tomorrow.
①  didnt rain, couldn’t get
②  hadn’t rained, couldn’t get
③  didn’t rain, can’t get
④  hadn’t rained, can’t get
【单选题】 The judge insisted that the woman______ innocent and that she______at once.
①  was; be set free
②  be; be set free;
③  be; was set free
④  was; was set free