【单选题】 先张法预应力混凝土构件,预应力总损失值不应小于( )
①  80
②  B90
③  100
④  110
【单选题】 后张法预应力混凝土构件,预应力总损失值不应小于( )
①  80
②  B90
③  100
④  110
【单选题】 后张法预应力混凝土构件,预应力总损失值不应小于()。
①  <img src="20190718/1563410518180810.jpg" title="1563410518180810.jpg" alt="第5章3-4.jpg"/>
②  <img src="20190718/1563410502345827.jpg" title="1563410502345827.jpg" alt="第5章3-1.jpg"/>
③  <img src="20190718/1563410508637344.jpg" title="1563410508637344.jpg" alt="第5章3-2.jpg"/>
④  <img src="20190718/1563410514784529.jpg" title="1563410514784529.jpg" alt="第5章3-3.jpg"/>
【单选题】 先张法预应力混凝土构件,预应力总损失值不应小于()。
①  <img src="20190718/1563410551397034.jpg" title="1563410551397034.jpg" alt="第5章3-5.jpg"/>
②  <img src="20190718/1563410561246287.jpg" title="1563410561246287.jpg" alt="第5章3-6.jpg"/>
③  <img src="20190718/1563410568267265.jpg" title="1563410568267265.jpg" alt="第5章3-7.jpg"/>
④  <img src="20190718/1563410574617541.jpg" title="1563410574617541.jpg" alt="第5章3-8.jpg"/>
【单选题】 后张法预应力构件的总损失为()。
①  σl1+σl2+σl3+σl4+σl5
②  σl1+σl3+σl4+σl5+σl6
③  σl1+σl2+σl4+σl5+σl6
④  σl2+σl3+σl4+σl5+σl6
【单选题】 后张法预应力构件的总损失为-----------。
①  σl1+σl2+σl3+σl4+σl5
②  σl1+σl3+σl4+σl5+σl6
③  σl1+σl2+σl4+σl5+σl6
④  σl2+σl3+σl4+σl5+σl6
【单选题】 某轴心受压柱,截面尺寸 b×h = 400mm×400mm ,此柱承受的轴力设计值 N=4000kN ,计算长度 lo =4m ,采用 C35砼, HRB400 级纵向受力钢筋,试校核此柱是否安全。已知 : fc=16. 7N/mm2, =360N/ mm2 , 所配置的纵向受力钢筋面积 5027 mm2 ,稳定系数(l0/b=8,φ=1.0; l0/b=10,φ=0.98;l0/b=12,φ=,0.95 )。
①  安全
②  不安全
【单选题】 导程L0=8mm的丝杠的总质量为6kg,标称直径为40mm,则其转动惯量为( )kg·mm2。
①  480
②  580
③  1200
④  680
【单选题】 导程L0=8mm的丝杠的总质量为6kg,标称直径为40mm,则其转动惯量为( ??)kg·mm2。
①  480
②  1200
③  48
④  120
【单选题】 一木门框料设计断面尺寸为45×65mm,则刨光前下料的断面面积为 ( )mm2。
①  2925
②  3264
③  3360
④  3400
【单选题】 Prof. Lee took ___________ the chairmanship of the committee.
①  about
②  at
③  over
④  down
【单选题】 The Government will ___________ its control over economic growth.
①  make
②  do
③  tighten
④  need
【单选题】 I asked the secretary if there were ______ tickets but she had only the expensive ______.
①  one, ones
②  any, one
③  some, ones
④  any, ones
【单选题】 ______ David loves his daughters, he is strict with them.
①  When
②  If
③  Since
④  While
【单选题】 I was caught up ___________ conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door.
①  in
②  at
③  over
④  off
【单选题】 She _____ useful knowledge of the English by careful study.
①  acquired
②  gained
③  sacrificed
④  earned
【单选题】 Problems can ______ when people have no knowledge of law.
①  rise
②  raise
③  arise
④  rose
【单选题】 Many people dream ___________ living on an island in the South Sea.
①  of
②  in
③  over
④  beyond
【单选题】 The class has a/an ____ of 27 students.
①  enrollment
②  register
③  staff
④  record
【单选题】 Be it ever so humble, there is no place like___________ .
①  home
②  hall
③  house
④  hammer