【单选题】 某企业的职工工资水平比上年提高5%,企业工资总额增长7.1%,则职工人数增加()。
①  2.1%
②  2%
③  12.5%
④  42%
【单选题】 某企业的职工工资水平比上年提高5%,职工人数增加2%,则企业工资总额增长()。
①  10%
②  7.1%
③  7%
④  11%
【单选题】 某企业的职工工资水平比上年提高5%,职工人数增加2%,则企业工资总额增长?
①  10%
②  7.1%
③  7%
④  11%
【单选题】 某企业的职工工资水平比上年提高5%,职工人数增加2%,则企业工资总额增长 ( )。
①  10%
②  7.1%
③  7%
④  11%
【简答题】 某机关的职工工资水平今年比去年提高了5%,职工人数增加了2%,则该企业工资总额增长了[填空]。
【简答题】 某机关的职工工资水平今年比去年提高了5%,职工人数增加了2%,则该企业工资总额增长了[填空]。
【多选题】 企业职工工资总额是( )。
①  数量指标
②  质量指标
③  相对指标
④  时点指标
⑤  时期指标
【判断题】 工资总额增长10%,平均工资下降5%,则职工人数应增长15%。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 工业企业的职工人数、职工工资是?
①  连续型变量
②  离散型变量
③  前者是连续型变量,后者是离散型变量
④  前者是离散型变量,后者是连续型变量
【单选题】 为了反映职工工资水平的变动程度,应计算平均工资
①  可变构成指数
②  结构影响指数
③  固定组成指数
④  都不是
【单选题】 As the train will not leave until one hour later, we _____ grab a bite at the snack bar.
①  may well
②  just as well
③  might as well
④  as well
【单选题】 _____ drills that have no real topic have to remain as they are.
①  Manufacture
②  Manipulative
③  Manipulate
④  Manifest
【单选题】 Dr. Park was accused _____the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was determined before the expected time.
①  of providing
②  with providing
③  to have provided
④  to provide
【单选题】 Of course, talking about something which affects them personally is _____motivating for students.
①  chiefly
②  correctly
③  currently
④  eminently
【单选题】 A well written composition _____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and _____.
①  look round
②  look out
③  look up
④  look on
【单选题】 It _____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.
①  pains her
②  makes her pain
③  is paining
④  is pained
【单选题】 To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a _____experience.
①  hysterious
②  grievous
③  gracious
④  sensible
【单选题】 It is _____ with the customer not to let the shop assistants guess what she really likes and wants until the last moment.
①  in her honor
②  on her honor
③  a point of honor
④  an honor
【单选题】 It was requested that all of the equipment _____in the agreed time.
①  erected
②  would be erected
③  be erected
④  will be erected